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Monday, April 30, 2007

For Tuesday again our beautiful and very huge collection of Amazing, Funny, Weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues for you ;)

Tuesday postings ;)
Yes here is our Linkbox24 again. Early today with a very big collection of new links, with some beautiful clips…a few news issues, of which I hope you’ll appreciate them too ;)

Cool Bathroom - Barros Melo - AESO A bathroom, a radio and a man, this animation tells the comic story of Mr. Clay’s routine. A man used to listen to his radio and read his paper in his bathroom. After hearing disturbing news on the radio, strange things begin to happen...

Meet Dr. Sigmund the best moronic gnome psychotherapist from Holland, lets hope that his creator Peter de Wit is posting soon a new collection of the English version too ;)

Postcards showing year 2000 but created circa 1900
an amazing collection of postcards from the dawn of the twentieth century that depict what life would be like in the year 2000…

Owl vs. Korean rat-snake
Unbelievable footage…

Linkbox24 is the place to visit everyday for anyone, send our link to your friends ;) It is the place to advertise too. But not with annoying pop-ups or articles no one should want to buy: Only the best firms and products, the new creative inventions or services could have a banner or a posting here. Either if you want to expose and sell some art or antiques, write me if you’ll like that ;) Or search trough our huge archives for more beautiful and Amazing, Funny, weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues. In that goldmine of links must be something very special and precious for you too ;)

Cannabis disrupts brain centre
Cannabis 'disrupts brain centre' Scientists have shown how cannabis may trigger psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia. Professor Murray also warned that the high potency cannabis now widely available was likely to pose a much bigger risk to health than the significantly weaker formulations of previous years. "We strongly urge the government to heed the growing evidence and take urgent action to warn young people that some of them are risking lifelong mental illness - that they are playing Russian roulette with their minds."…

72 Virgins
This stand-up guy making jokes about terrorists and the Muslims beliefs…

Truck takes a fast corner
If you wonder why your packages come in all banged up, this is why…

War - men in black
Amazing drawings of a soldier’s real war experience. U.S. Army Specialist Colby Buzzel Featured on "America at a Crossroads"…

How not to load a howitzer
Apparently the poor guy forgot that those things have backwards recoil…

Princess Beatrice drinks William and Harry under the table
Princess Beatrice drinks William and Harry under the table. It seems anything that her older cousins can do, Princess Beatrice can do better. When it comes to partying, Prince William and Harry might have set an example running up a £5,000 drinks bill at Soho nightclub Mahiki at the weekend. But Princess Beatrice appeared more than equal to the task…

Angry sheep
Another Crazy Sheep Attacks a Car! "I should have made a sweater out of you years ago!"

Funny store clerk
He has to deal with some unworthy customers…

Plane crash into power pole
This pilot should be applauded for crashing into an electric line instead of landing on the golf course and interrupting the rich people's fun…

USB controlled BB gun
Here's a way to keep your computer equipment safe at home. Or a way to really annoy your co-workers...

Police chase
Police were chasing these two drunken teens in this car then it comes to a deadly end…

Fun with lawnmowers
Watch to highly-evolved individuals try to load a riding lawnmower onto a trailer…

Trapped in river
This unlucky woman’s car gets trapped in the rising flood waters with her still in it…

Extreme mountain biking
Compilation of some pretty intense moves and wrecks by professional bikers…

Rude awakening
Poor guy wasn't expecting this at all…

Australia’s Highlander
If this crazy guy with a sword can't even stand up to police tasers, he's going to be in real trouble when he cuts off someone's head and gets struck by a barrage of lightning bolts...

WOW buying gold...
BBC: WOW - Buying Gold. "I have a life outside the game" sure... keep telling yourself that…

Boot in the nuts
This prank must have taken a while to setup but it’s awesome…

Guy goes on a huge zip line with a breathtaking view
Add this one to the South African Zip Line for cool places to visit before you keel over and die…

Tanker in Oakland burns
A section of freeway that funnels traffic off the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge collapsed early Sunday after a gasoline tanker truck overturned and caught fire...

Intense police chase ends with a violent crash
When a suspect refuses to stop, the next logical step is to make him stop...and run yourself into a tree, I guess. (On a completely unrelated note, if anyone gets a pop-up on this site, please let me know ASAP...which page you were on and what the pop-up was. Thanks.)…

Hovercraft crash
Not too often that you see somebody flip and wreck their personal hovercraft…

Girl gets stoned to death for dating a man of another religion
Not only do these barbaric people refuse to evolve socially, it looks like their cell phone cameras haven't evolved either. *graphic/disturbing*…

Pig blood shots
These to take on the challenge of downing pig’s blood…

Two punk kids fight in an empty parking lot
Everyone I know, including my crippled grandmother, could beat the hell out of these two at the same time. But there were still some pretty nice punches in there…

Biker celebrates too early
This cocky idiot starts to celebrate winning the race before its actually over and crashes!

Human ashes to grit path
Dead wrong…EXCLUSIVE Co-op use human ashes to grit path HUMAN ashes were used to grit icy pathways outside a Co-op funeral home, staff claimed last night. Workers at the parlour claimed the grotesque practice has been going on for at least eight years and could involve scores of cremations. They said ashes mixed with grit were scattered on a disabled ramp outside the funeral home. One worker said: "Sometimes when families ask for their ashes back, the plastic container for them is too small...

Runaway race car tyre
It rolls into the back of a parked car…

Power-line mishap
This guy has a serious accident while working on getting debris from a power-line...

Biker crushes nearly every bone in his lower body
Pain can be measured by how much your legs look like an Auntie Ann's pretzel…

Graphic riot violence
A shocking video of protesters being beat to a bloody pulp by the riot cops…

Another guy gets knocked the #@$% out
This guy wanted to see if he could take a punch. The answer is clearly no…

Idiots making fire
Idiots trying to make a fire…

Chair to head
This guy gets wacked on the head with a solid chair…

The worst wrestling accident you may ever see
Pro wrestling may be kind of fake, but I don't know anyone capable of faking a broken neck. Ouch…

Coolest game system
This guy has by far the best setup I have ever seen. I wonder how much this would cost...

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Human jukebox ;)


For Monday again our beautiful and very huge collection of Amazing, Funny, Weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues for you ;)

Monday postings ;)
Yes here is our Linkbox24 again. Today with a very big collection of new links, with some beautiful clips…a few news issues, of which I hope you’ll appreciate them too ;)

Fantasia Taurina
Fantasia Taurina - Alejandra Perez A bull chases a girl through a field. When the tables turn, it´s up to the girl to save the bull from a menacing swarm...

Meet Dr. Sigmund the best moronic gnome psychotherapist from Holland

Luxury detention...
$82 a day books a cell in a 5-star jail in California… Anyone convicted of a crime knows a debt to society often must be paid in jail. But a slice of Californians willing to supplement that debt with cash (no personal checks, please) are finding that the time can be almost bearable. For roughly $75 to $127 a day, these convicts — who are known in the self-pay parlance as "clients" — get a small cell behind a regular door, distance of some amplitude from violent offenders and, in some cases, the right to bring an IPod or computer on which to compose a novel, or perhaps a song…

Linkbox24 is the place to visit everyday for anyone, send our link to your friends ;) It is the place to advertise too. But not with annoying pop-ups or articles no one should want to buy: Only the best firms and products, the new creative inventions or services could have a banner or a posting here. Either if you want to expose and sell some art or antiques, write me if you’ll like that ;) Or search trough our huge archives for more beautiful and Amazing, Funny, weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues. In that goldmine of links must be something very special and precious for you too ;)

Awesome soccer freestyle
We've seen some pretty good soccer freestylers in the past but this kid takes it to the next level…

Posting first
I have been an internet user for over many years and my experience is that nothing can make people lose their temper more than someone else posting first on a new forum thread…this guy is one of them… ;)

Snooker flukes
Some of them were actually really good shots but most we pure luck...

Bomb bag deployed in pants
To be honest I had no idea what a bomb bag was before this clip. Now I realize just how painful this must have been…

Fieldfares raven fight - educated earth
David Attenborough examines how fieldfares gang up and drive out a raven who has entered their territory looking for food…

Japanese sashimi
The chef cuts the meat off the fish and then puts the fish back in the tank. That's not right…

The united appeal for the dead
Death is the number one killer of Americans. We should declare war on it!

Notorious BIG rapping at age 17
Biggie free-styling at a young age…

Jumbo jet dragging
The real reason why airline flights are always late for boarding… ;)

Dance like nobody's watching
College guys should always assume that their buddy's webcam is on them, and resist all temptation to dance, ever…

Poor little girl - pot-stuck-head
This girl gets pot stuck on her head…

What to do with drug abusing kids
This father had a good idea of what to do with his drug abusing son.... He had to stand at the road with a big sign around him... Read it!

There's no 44 calibre Koran
There's no .44-caliber Koran. It's easy to go too far while banning words in the name of preventing violence. By Ian Buruma, IAN BURUMA, is the author, most recently, of "Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of Tolerance." He is a professor at Bard College and a contributing editor to The Times' op April 29, 2007… The trouble with banning words is that it helps to fetishise them. Those who defy the ban can claim to be martyrs for their faith but also for free speech. And the forbidden acquires a special allure. The constitutional right to say almost anything makes U.S. citizens relatively cautious, perhaps too cautious, about the way they use that right. Like the obsessive desire for pornography, the craving for violent words tends to gain in strength when freedom of expression is not readily available…

Soldier throws a grenade at a car full of anti tank mines…

Why being a show-off is fun
How else would we get to see stupid people destroying a perfectly good car - TOO Funny…

Future world, space elevator to the stars...
A space elevator to the stars… What are the real fuel sources of the future? Learn about technological quantum leaps that will shape our planet in 50 years

Suspect attempts escape from courtroom
Don't these guys know that proper escape plans involve helicopters and dynamite…? And maybe I'm not a good lip-reader, but was he crying for mommy at the end?

Highway accident
Shocking footage of a car losing control and flipping over several times!

The dearly beloved OC spoof
I've never really been a big fan of the show - but this just makes me laugh every time i watch it - Mmmm whatcha saaaay?!

Funny kid talk about what he saw on internet
Funny kid talking about a fight he saw on the Internet…

CFL mercury nightmare
The CFL mercury nightmare… How much money does it take to screw in a compact fluorescent light bulb? About US$4.28 for the bulb and labour -- unless you break the bulb. Then you, like Brandy Bridges of Ellsworth, Maine, could be looking at a cost of about US$2,004.28, which doesn't include the costs of frayed nerves and risks to health… Aware that CFLs contain potentially hazardous substances, Bridges called her local Home Depot for advice. The store told her that the CFL contained mercury and that she should call the Poison Control hotline, which in turn directed her to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection...

The worst NBA ejection
This ejection of a game, involved by David Robinson was the worst in the whole season!

Guy performs a 360 on a mini-motor-bike
This guy performs a 360° on a mini motorbike. It takes him a couple of attempts but he gets there eventually…

Explosion causes shockwave
Amazing footage of soldiers blowing up a water-tower, sending a shockwave which shatters their windows!

Woman 15 year imprisoned by husband
Police in India's eastern state of West Bengal have rescued a 40-year-old-woman who was imprisoned by her husband and in-laws in a cramped room for 15 years because she did not get enough dowry, a newspaper reported Sunday…

Stunt gone wrong
This is why you shouldn’t try to jump through rings of fire while riding on the back of a speeding car…

Kimbo's granddad...
You don't want to mess with this tough old grandpa…

Burning car rescue
Some guy runs a red light and slams into a tree then people save him and hold him down until the cops arrive...

Bull gives demonstration of brute force
This bull gives a demonstration of brute force…

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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Lucky day

PSV Triple Dutch Soccer champion,

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For Sunday again our beautiful and very huge collection of Amazing, Funny, Weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues for you ;)

Sunday postings ;)
Yes here is our Linkbox24 again. Today with a very big collection of new links, with some beautiful clips…a few news issues, of which I hope you’ll appreciate them too ;)

The Matzo balls
The Matzo Balls - iosi salem The next hot rappers from Brooklyn…

Historical photo collection
A really amazing collection of historical photos, worth to view…

Linkbox24 is the place to visit everyday for anyone, send our link to your friends ;) It is the place to advertise too. But not with annoying pop-ups or articles no one should want to buy: Only the best firms and products, the new creative inventions or services could have a banner or a posting here. Either if you want to expose and sell some art or antiques, write me if you’ll like that ;) Or search trough our huge archives for more beautiful and Amazing, Funny, weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues. In that goldmine of links must be something very special and precious for you too ;)

172 attackers trained as pilots...Saudis said - A foiled plot like 911
Saudis: Foiled Plot Mirrored 9/11 Attack. Al-Qaida-linked plotters hoped to reproduce the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, planning to send suicide pilots to military bases and attack the oil refineries that drive the economy of Osama bin Laden's homeland, the government said Saturday. Revealing new details of the purported plot, a government spokesman said some of the 172 attackers trained as pilots in an unidentified "troubled country" nearby, hoping to use the planes to carry out suicide attacks. The spokesman, Maj. Gen. Mansour al-Turki, would not say where the training took place: "It could be Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, there are so many troubled regions in the world. I can't specify."

Retribution episode 1 - beginnings
First episode of a series of short films, produced by RyoukoTV… "Retribution" is a series starring Emerson Wong. Playing as a highly trained contract assassin continuing in his father's work… Taking on job after job, our hero seeks retribution for the killer of his parents that he witnessed as a child

The Koenigs-egg super-car
The Top Gear guys have more fun with another car you could never afford…

Huge rally for Turkish secularism
Huge rally for Turkish secularism…Hundreds of thousands of people are rallying in Istanbul in support of secularism in Turkey, amid a row over a vote for the country's next president.

Beau Sia is all that and more
Now I applaud this guy. I know what it's like to sell out, but he did it with such impact! I got tired of eating Ramen noodles all day, too...

Protection against a 26000 cell phone bill etc...
A $26,000 Cell Phone Bill Ten Steps to Cell Phone Security…

Give me a Hi 5
Two Squirrels on the road have fun…

Language of the nasopharynx
Talk about a snazzy ventriloquist trick, this kid does all his talking through his nose!

Extreme unicycles are back
It's like unicycle parkouring…

Man builds a ridiculously cool spider vehicle
For all of you spiders trapped in a human body, all you need is $15,000, a bunch of hours, and ..the ability to build the damn thing…

A funny playing cat…

Wrong stats...
Clark: ‘those are the wrong stats!’…

Spinal Tap - live earth promo
Yes, the band is reunited, once again. And they'll be playing a concert at this year's Live Earth Festival!

Idiot attempts a handstand on his motorcycle
Even this guy's bike hates him. What a sh*thead…

Graffiti machine
Again: It's a fascinating machine. Made out of ropes and pulleys and a spraycan, you can program it to draw you a pretty picture...

Amazing outcome of a lioness attacking a baby wildebeast
If I die and come back as a lioness, I'll have learned a valuable lesson from this video: don't fuck with a wildebeast when its mother is around…

When teleprompters fail
Watch this brilliant broadcaster as the teleprompter breaks and he seamlessly and eloquently continues right along as if nothing happened at all…

Staged robbery caught on tape
You have to give him credit for trying but I’m glad he’s caught for his stupidity…

Female office employee pistol whipped during robbery. The robbery happened on April 13th, at the offices at Industrial Sheet Metal Inc. at 625 West 27th Street. On tape, the man draws a gun on the 2 female employees inside the office and demands their money and jewelry. One of the women refuses and starts to physically attack the man. That's when he begins hitting her in the face, and head, with his gun. After a few moments, the man can be seen leaving the office with the women's valuables as he makes his escape in a waiting Ford Thunderbird…

McLaren SLR test drive
The Top Gear guys decide to see if the SLR is "really" a super-car or not…

Apples in the orange cannon
The fellas at Boogieland.no bring you another video using their device of destruction: The Orange Canon. View their other two videos here and here

Crazy man jumps off of a 42 story building
...with nothing but cables attached to him. It's a real shame they didn't break, further proving he is a total dumb-sucker…

An infant playing with a cobra
A village in India has bizarre tradition in which kids grow up playing with snakes

How to cook lizard eggs
This dude will show you how to cook lizard eggs… Yum... I can't wait…but I’m not hungry anymore…

Baghdad range safety
No such thing as Range Safety in Baghdad…Some guy from South Africa doing the "instructing" at a range in Iraq…

Burning marijuana
OMG, he's doing his spiel in the middle of piles of burning marijuana! That alone should tell you what's going to happen to him when he tries to give his report! One of the best examples of how that stuff has some devastating effect on human brain functions…

Weng weng rap
Ninja midgets deserve their own theme songs

Bully gets quickly put in his place by a smaller kid
I don't think anyone was more shocked than the little kid with his newfound power to knock people out…

Base jump in France
French BASE jumpers…I thought the French didn't have any balls, why are they suddenly looking for thrills?

HMONG refugees
Sad Story of the Hmong refugees Hunted and tortured. Warning Disturbing includes some minor gore - HUNTED LIKE ANIMALS, by award winning filmmaker Rebecca Sommer- www.rebeccasommer.org

5 pounds of TNT to a Volvo
In case you weren't sure whether to try it on your own Volvo, here's what would happen...

Cop car in India kills two
Speeding cop car kills two in India…

Beheaded turtle tries to keep walking
It does not look like a turtle but it is a turtle without a head of course…

Knocked out by a cheap-shot
Throwing a cheap elbow when no one is paying attention should automatically be grounds for castration…

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Walking with mommy ;)

Read teh article here below ;)

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For Saturday again our beautiful and very huge collection of Amazing, Funny, Weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues for you ;)

Saturday postings ;)
Yes here is our Linkbox24 again. Today with a very big collection of new links, with some beautiful clips…a few news issues, of which I hope you’ll appreciate them too ;)

Brood of 29 ducks amazing driver and stop traffic
The brood of 29 waddling ducklings amazing drivers…Since the huge brood appeared they have become the star attraction at Baldock Services in Hertfordshire, with staff leaving out bread and truckers pausing to let them cross the road…

Professional therapists like Dr. Sigmund are very lucky with their job, because they can have some very satisfying days in the office…

Dancing Stanley "really Clean" - jerry sanders Dancing Stanley the Blue collar Man is joined with his hygiene buddies performing "Really Clean"…

Livestock emission to global warming...
New law sounds full of hot air…BARMY Euro MPs are demanding new laws to stop cows and sheep PARPING. Their call came after the UN said livestock emissions were a bigger threat to the planet than transport…

Linkbox24 is the place to visit everyday for anyone, send our link to your friends ;) It is the place to advertise too. But not with annoying pop-ups or articles no one should want to buy: Only the best firms and products, the new creative inventions or services could have a banner or a posting here. Either if you want to expose and sell some art or antiques, write me if you’ll like that ;) Or search trough our huge archives for more beautiful and Amazing, Funny, weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues. In that goldmine of links must be something very special and precious for you too ;)

Comedian Eric Knowles - stand-up
San Diego comedian Erik Knowles talks about the McRib, TV commercials, and Sesame Street. I was laughing really hard at the McRib stuff, he is so right on...

8 year old guitar hero master
I got to admit: I hadn’t heard of Guitar Hero until last week and now its becoming pretty huge apparently. Well this 8 year old kid is better than Ill ever be!

Cocaine at the day care centre
Texas Toddler with Cocaine at Day Care…A toddler handed a teacher a small bag of cocaine at a day-care center, authorities said. Investigators were trying to determine how the 2-year-old girl got the small baggy Wednesday. It contained an off-white substance that tested positive for cocaine, police spokesman Steve Anderson said...

Tiger vs. man on elephant
Watch this tiger literally come out of no-where and attack a guy sitting on an elephant. Crazy footage...

George Bush - malaria awareness dance
George Bush's hilarious dance during a recent campaign to spread awareness about Malaria…

Keeping it real
You'd think that a bunch of "hardcore" rappers who "grew up on the streets" wouldn't be so cared of a little gunfire, wouldn't you?

Earthquake shakes bridge
Not exactly the safest of places to stand…

What you know about math
This video was filmed for a school project and is a well done parody for the song what You Know about That by T.I…

Suicidal woman landed on the head of an old man
Man injured after suicidal woman jumps off building, lands on his head. A man was injured after a suicidal woman who jumped off the roof of a Tokyo building landed on his head on Friday afternoon, police said. At about 1 p.m. on Friday, the woman leaped from the rooftop of the nine-story (about 30 meter-high) Marui City Ueno commercial complex in the Ueno district of Taito-ku, hitting a 60-year-old man as he was walking along the road, local police said. The woman was rushed to a hospital where she died shortly afterwards, while the man suffered bruises to his head…

Tough old man fights a younger guy
If this guy was my grandpa, I'd be picking fights all the time and letting him do the dirty work. Although it'd be kind of strange since I'm white, but that's okay…

Drinking and driving
Watch how one drunken guy destroys three peoples life in a matter of seconds. What an asshole…

Time-lapse art
An amazing time lapse art showcase…

Intense standoff between SWAT and terrorist hostage takers
Apparently these hostages weren't deemed valuable enough to give up the $4m ransom. That's real good for the self esteem…

Idiots pull down a house
Watch these idiot kids pulling down a brick house and almost getting them killed…

Absolute scum
This guy must be the biggest scumbag on planet earth. Watch where he brings his own son to…

Bird craps on live TV show
Watch this show's ratings go right into the crapper...

Water tower explosion
Cool explosion that sends a massive shock wave causing the windows behind to smash.

Jack Black on Idol
Very funny clip of Jack Black singing: "Kiss from a rose" on American Idol…this is the best thing Idol ever did…

Screwdriver through hand...failed trick
A simple trick turns painfully wrong on live TV. Looks like practice didn't make perfect in this case…

Tough military training
This training is designed to help the soldier perform in a high stress situation…

Lions attack zookeeper
A long time on the net, but maybe you haven’t seen this one before: Lions like their meat fresh and moving…

The train paradox
The train paradox is a famous example of the strangeness of relativity. Demonstrates just how non-intuitive reality can be…Described here by Professor Richard Muller of the University California, Berkeley…

Elephant vs. midgets
Watch this pack of Midgets battle it out with an Asian Elephant in a tug-of-war competition to end all tugs…

Get a handle on it
Really, who doesn't need a cabinet handle screwed to their arm? One of the huge crowd of suckers who like to do anything to be one of the famous but insane persons, doing everything to be viewed on the net… jack-ass, moron it doesn’t matter to them…;(

A hole in the head
This guys friend apparently thinks its cool to throw rocks at his skull. It doesn’t look too bad until he discovers the hole in his head and bleeds profusely…

Real tough guys
Funny video showing a bunch of dweebs trying out for a Chuck Norris movie…

Fox hunting mice...
Again: Hungry foxes performing zany acrobatics in their quest for mice…

Simpson’s Idol
Homer makes fun of Simon Cowel on the Simpson’s Idol. Funny clip…

Dark side of the cell phone
Interrupting a Dark Lord of the Sith with your all-important cell phone conversation may not be the best thing for your health…

Criminals battle till death - condemned trailer
Ten criminals battle till death…On a remote island, ten of the worlds most vicious criminals are about to compete in the worlds most ruthless battle to the death. Nine will die, one will survive…

You f****d-up my office...
This loser from the Student Union gets REALLY pissed off when his co-workers filled his office with balloons…

Coming home from war
Even though in the end this turned out to be a commercial I really liked this video. If your looking to laugh, watch a wipe out, or something like that skip this video. But it really was a cool video based on a true story…

DNA Molecular Biology Visualizations - Wrapping and Replication…

Motorbike skims the lake
Amazingly this guy manages to cross the lake on a cross bike…

RC F22 fighter demo
Check out this demonstration of a remote control F22 flying around inside. I want one...

Vanuatu tower leaps
Again: These extreme people jump from this tall tower…

One punch knock out
Kid tries to pick a fight but gets laid out on the first punch…

On the bulls side
One guy steals the show and makes it look easy but the other bull runners weren't happy about it. Some one gave him a huge cheap shot from behind...

Pain in the nuts...
There will be no children in the future for these guys...

Nintendo Rube Goldberg machine
A couple of guys created a Rube Goldberg contraption using only Nintendo games for a school project. Well done…

Why you shouldn't get too close to a tiger
Although this is nothing like yesterday's vicious lion attack, it's equally disturbing...in a much, much less violent kind of way…

Hot to slam a pint
This guy slams his pint of beer so fast. Now that is how it’s done…

Nutcase kid does a back-flip off a roof
I hope they pay their pool-boy well because he'll be cleaning up splattered boy real soon…

The spoon prank returns
Its been a couple months since we’ve posted a spoon prank video because I think people got a little worn out on them. But I think it’s been long enough and this is actually a pretty funny one…

Russian girls fight
I don't understand a word of it, but that kick to the face pretty much speaks for itself. Ouch…girls fighting is becoming a huge trend these days…

Loud foul mouth
My God woman, shut up! (Sound off at work…) …

Deputy caught on video kicking a suspect in the nuts
Some cops need one of those post-it notes stuck to their steering wheel, reminding them that their dash cam does in fact work…

Don't feed the dog
The vet said not to feed the dog anything that's not on the diet sheet…

Bulls and cows
I like this bull because he’s in the mood for love and he won’t let a little fence stop him from getting some… I guess some of you can’t count how many times you’ve pulled this same move…aren’t you...

Extremely creepy ghost girl in the mirror
Maybe you shouldn’t view this if you’re a pansy, but some people’s skin was crawling after this…they said…

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Friday, April 27, 2007

Very tired...;)


For Friday again our beautiful and very huge collection of Amazing, Funny, Weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues for you ;)

Friday postings ;)
Yes here is our Linkbox24 again. Today with a very big collection of new links, with some beautiful clips…a few news issues, of which I hope you’ll appreciate them too ;)

Japanese fooled in poodle scam
Japanese fooled in poodle scam. Thousands of Japanese have been swindled in a scam in which they were sold Australian and British sheep and told they were poodles. Flocks of sheep were imported to Japan and then sold by a company called Poodles as Pets, marketed as fashionable accessories, available at $1,600 each. That is a snip compared to a real poodle which retails for twice that much in Japan. The scam was uncovered when Japanese moviestar Maiko Kawamaki went on a talk-show and wondered why her new pet would not bark or eat dog food. She was crestfallen when told it was a sheep…

For the most of the guys (ugly them selves or not) it’s probably very important to have a girl where they can be proud of… at least that she got some kind of physical attraction…

Helmskee - MySpace - Ramiro Olmos If you vote for me to become the next Aniboom Eye doll, I will make all your wildest dreams come true. Be my friend on MySpace too. I show you the jpegs of all my girlfriends on there…this all is promised by: myspace.com/helmskee…

Linkbox24 is the place to visit everyday for anyone, send our link to your friends ;) It is the place to advertise too. But not with annoying pop-ups or articles no one should want to buy: Only the best firms and products, the new creative inventions or services could have a banner or a posting here. Either if you want to expose and sell some art or antiques, write me if you’ll like that ;) Or search trough our huge archives for more beautiful and Amazing, Funny, weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues. In that goldmine of links must be something very special and precious for you too ;)

Computer dominos
After a dot-com merger completed a company had 82 extra computers lying around. A couple of guys lined them up like dominos around the office and knocked them over. Personally, I think they cheated around the second turn…

Shark steals catch
A hammerhead rises out of nowhere and steals this fisherman's catch right off his line…

Clerk fights for his life against a gun wielding robber
There's not a bathroom scale in the world that goes high enough to measure this dude's balls. He's one crazy gas station person…

North Korean elite soldier training
The training regimen that Kim John-Il's bodyguards must go through. They're no match for a good actor though…

Thieves use bobcat to steal ATM
Early this morning thieves used a Bobcat to topple a National Bank of Kansas City ATM and drove off with a truck and trailer. I guess they weren’t ok with the $2 fee…

Mother gazelle saves baby
Watch this mother Gazelle beat away a baboon that's trying to steal her baby…

Grandmothers and teachers involved in satanic sex abuse at school
Grandmothers arrested over satanic sex abuse at school. Three women teachers were among six people arrested yesterday accused of sedating and sexually abusing children as young as 3 at a school near Rome. The teachers — two of whom are grandmothers who had taught at the school and at Sunday school for decades — are said to have part in the repeated abuse of 15 children aged 3 and 5 for a year, filming them in sexual acts with satanic overtones at the teachers’ homes and in a wood. The others arrested were a female caretaker, a former producer of children’s programmes for the state television station RAI, and a local petrol pump attendant. The television producer is married to one of the arrested teachers…

Two knockout kicks for the price of one
I suddenly have an overwhelming feeling to kick someone in the face…

Clay animation
Cool Clay animation…

Street drum solo
These street performances are amazing with the drums... Have to see it to believe it…

Russian SWAT team - safety glass
A Russian swat team runs into a little problem with some safety glass. That stuff is worth its weight in gold!

Crazy cats
A compilation of cats going' crazy…

Crime deterrent phone
In addition to all the stupid little features you don't use, modern phones are coming equipped with special crime-deterrent features…

Egyptian and Muslim female Dr. is talking about sex on TV
Egypt's 'Dr. Ruth': Let's talk sex in the Arab World. Dr. Heba Kotb is tackling a taboo in the Arab world unlike anyone else: She's talking about sex openly on a show broadcast all over the Middle East. It's a big first in these parts of the world, and Kotb leaves little uncovered. "We talk about masturbation ... sex over the Internet. We talk about sex and Ramadan. We talk about the wedding night," said Kotb. Entitled "The Big Talk," the show is broadcast once a week over a satellite channel from Cairo, Egypt. It took the 39-year-old mother three years of negotiations to get her show on the air. And a main reason she succeeded is that she talks only about sex allowed in the Quran -- sex between husband and wife…watch Dr. Kotb talking about this issue in the video: Egyptian sex doctor on TV

Office keyboard beat-down
This is why you don't throw paperclips at your co-workers in the office…

Attack of the inanimate objects
This is an awesome stop motion movie where a guy is attacked by inanimate objects all over his house. This took 3 days and 2000 pictures to make, he definitely deserves $400!

Smart car Habayusa engine
This Smart car gets decked out with a Habayusa Engine...

Stunt gone wrong
This is why you shouldn't try to jump through rings of fire while riding on the back of a speeding car…

Illegal gun smuggling and robbing liquor stores
An upstanding citizen explains how to smuggle guns across the border and why you shouldn't rob liquor stores…

Muhammad Ali's speed
Watch this old knockout by Muhammad Ali to understand why everybody respects him so much as a boxer...

Driving in Russia
I guess the collapse of the Soviet Union met the end of traffic signals as well…

Ugly white man...
This Caribbean beer salesman tells it like it is…

Awesome free-ride mountain bike stunts and crashes
If you ever decide to kill yourself, just take up free-ride mountain biking. It'll probably do the job for you…

Kids wipe out in old car
A group of kids take a busted up old car and try to jump a dirt hill. The car gets some decent hang time and ends up crashing upon landing…

Deadly traffic jam in France causes series of accidents
Of all the places to blow a tire, someone just had to do it in the tunnel. Not good, not good at all…

Dry ice bomb explodes in hand
This kid has made a dry ice bomb in a bottle and apparently he doesn’t think its reacting fast enough, so of course he bangs it against a tree...

Praying mantis vs. mouse
Big, vicious insect tears the crap out of a hapless mouse…

Angry mob brutally attacks two on a Chinese campus
I'm not sure what this is all about, but I'm glad I wasn't there…

Impossible bowling shot
A seemingly impossible bowling shot. You got to see it to believe it!

Big girl gets a big beat-down from a smaller chick
Those extra Big Macs over the last 5 years were useless against this scrappy girl. But please, stop smashing the pavement with her head. You know the city takes forever to fix that shit…

Burn out runs buddy over
Some dude is burning out his tires but his front brakes fail and he runs his friend over…

Controversial video mocking the Arizona border patrol
I don't see what all the fuss is about this video. Looks like nothing but good times on the border…especially with that music…

Butt grabbing prank
Some chick stands on a sidewalk and gets guys to come help her with directions. As they are looking at her map she grabs their butt. Some of these reactions are hilarious…

Homer on Google-Earth
Marge gets a little embarrassed after finding a (naked) Homer on Live Google Earth!

Super profane Mario Bros...
Some guy provides audio commentary to the most nerve-wracking custom Mario level in history…

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Lonesome tonight...

Thanks to Badgirl

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For Thursday again our beautiful and very huge collection of Amazing, Funny, Weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues for you ;)

Thursday postings ;)
Yes here is our Linkbox24 again. Today with a very big collection of new links, with some beautiful clips…a few news issues, of which I hope you’ll appreciate them too ;)

Boy 4 years old was saving his moms life
Boy hailed hero for saving mum's life. HE may only be four years old, but Sasha Hartmann is brave beyond his years. The young Gold Coast boy is being hailed a hero for saving his mother's life after she collapsed on the floor of their Robina home on Monday. Sasha dialled triple-0 and stunned the operator by providing his full name, address and phone number. He also gave details about his mother Melita's heart condition, and answered questions about her illness until the ambulance arrived. "When he was about three, we taught him how to call triple-0 for the fire brigade, ambulance or police," his proud mum said. "When I collapsed from my heart condition he did exactly what he had been taught and said his whole name, his address, gave his telephone number and said: `My mum has a heart problem and she's sick and she needs the doctors really quickly'. "You can tell them what to do but, obviously, you don't know what's going to happen until the day ... We thought he might panic or forget or cry but he didn't do any of that." He’s a hero for sure but still sad that his mom heart condition is bad…

Instead of what some people probably might think; psychology isn’t a science without any changes

Big Mac fridge song
Loving' my Big Mac - JimmyBob Fridge REJECTED FROM COMPETITION! Read why in the Eyedoll News Flash! Here, for the last time, Fridge performs his all time favourite "Loving the Big Mac" together with his band "An-chovy"…

Animals in the depths of the sea
Animals in the depths of the sea (26 photos) The creatures lived at such a depth, which could not physically get people. Photos made with special deep devices. On dry land, most organisms are confined to the surface, or at most to altitudes of a hundred meters—the height of the tallest trees. In the oceans, though, living space has both vertical and horizontal dimensions: with an average depth of 3800 meters, the oceans offer 99% of the space on Earth where life can develop. And the deep sea, which has been immersed in total darkness since the dawn of time, occupies 85% of ocean space, forming the planet’s largest habitat. Yet these depths abound with mystery. The deep sea is mostly uncharted—only about 5 percent of the seafloor has been mapped with any reasonable degree of detail—and we know very little about the creatures that call it home. Current estimates about the number of species yet to be found vary between ten and thirty million. The deep sea no longer has anything to prove; it is without doubt Earth’s largest reservoir of life…nature is always amazing us… worth to view these beautiful pictures of these creatures…

The jeep waterfall
A professor named Stephen Pevnick created this incredible Jeep waterfall promotional display. It uses over 3000 nozzles to produce logos and words using only falling water…

Jenkins art
Jenkins Art Studio is your contact point for Gary and Kathwren Jenkins and their how-to videos, workshop schedule, oil painting gallery, and oil painting...

Linkbox24 is the place to visit everyday for anyone, send our link to your friends ;) It is the place to advertise too. But not with annoying pop-ups or articles no one should want to buy: Only the best firms and products, the new creative inventions or services could have a banner or a posting here. Either if you want to expose and sell some art or antiques, write me if you’ll like that ;) Or search trough our huge archives for more beautiful and Amazing, Funny, weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues. In that goldmine of links must be something very special and precious for you too ;)

HIV virus life cycle
HIV Life Cycle A clip showing the life cycle of the HIV virus…

Derren Brown paying with paper
Derren Brown uses psychological tricks to pay for things with blank paper, even buying a $4500 piece of platinum jewellery!

Puppy on the stairs
Cute puppy learns the fine art of navigating the staircase…

Insurgent car bomb goes off at Baghdad checkpoint
Those two people casually walking along the street...yeah, they're dead…

Derren Brown subliminal ads
Derren Brown turns the tables on some advertising executives by planting subliminal messages into their minds. Truly amazing!

Turkish mob fight
Watch this one person take on a mob of men and win. I thought this type of stuff only happened in movies...

Confused lovesick mallard
I... I guess a puppy looks like a female duck... right?

World Yo-Yo champ
This young Japanese man is the world champ of yo-yo's!

Suspect attempts escape from court room
A suspect decides to make a run for it from the middle of a court room. Guards use a tazer on him shortly after he exits the room…

Air-show napalm dropping
Sacramento Air-show demonstration of a Warthog dropping Napalm…

Intelligence not linked to wealth
Intelligence not linked to wealth, according to US study. Intelligence has nothing to do with wealth, according to a US study published Tuesday which found that people with below average smarts were just as wealthy as those with higher IQ scores. "People don't become rich because they are smart," said Jay Zagorsky, research scientist at Ohio State University whose study appears in the Journal Intelligence. "Your IQ has really no relationship to your wealth. And being very smart does not protect you from getting into financial difficulty," Zagorsky said…

Amazing jump
This guy is quite an athlete, watch him jump straight over that rod...

US and British soldiers lay waste to Taliban forces
Nothing but good times in Afghanistan in this compilation: For U.S. and British troops anyway…

Bloopers compilation
Funny combination of mishaps during work, hilarious stuff…

BMX stunt
That was a seriously impressive number of spins there…

Female bullies beat the hell out of some girl
These two losers would've gotten a quick anal cleansing via that umbrella if this happened to a girl who had any fighting skills whatsoever. But alas, she does not…

4 year old gets tackled
This 4-year-old kid gets trampled by a player during a College football game. Poor kid!

F 16 crash
Cockpit camera footage of an F-16, ploughing into the ground at an air show…

Really bad aim
Man, if you can't kill a lawyer with a gun at point blank range, maybe you should just turn it around and put yourself out of your misery…

Huge explosion
If you are like me, then you will don’t love this video of a gigantic explosion. It rocks the earth…

Joseph Gordon Levitt paparazzi
Actor Joseph Gordon Levitt flips the cameras on the paparazzi. Job description: Take pictures of assholes. Do not talk to the assholes… How ironic…

Willy vs. electric fly swatter
It must be so boring in Iraq…

Porsche Ferrari crash
A very nasty crash between a Porsche and a Ferrari at a race... That fireball looks very deadly, wow...

Kid tricks Gerrard
A kid pulls a trick on Steven Gerrard who's one of the best players in the world. For a kid to do that to a soccer idol shows just how big team rivalry is in Europe…

Skateboarder attempts a jump and face-plants
He was lucky he didn't break his back…

For the canine
Get YOUR dog back in the game!

Shortest mother
This has to be the shortest mother ever. I wonder how the kid will turn out…

Hydrofoil board
This is a surfboard with a hydrofoil fin attached to the bottom; the board rises about 2 feet out of the water when at high enough speeds…

Bill Murray whip-master
Bill Murray truly is the master of whips. No doubt about it…

Red Sox - homerun streak
The Boston Red Sox's: an amazing home run streak in a recent game…

United States border patrol
You guys got to check this out. Watch how many people get out of this van after being pulled over by the US border patrol…

Monkey business
Nature is so much more interesting with an audio commentary…

Islanders’ goal controversy
The New York Islanders goal controversy from their recent playoff series: Was it in or not?

11 life terms
I don't understand why people run from the police. This guy is lucky he is not dead…

Why you really shouldn't take the bull by the horns
Apparently this guy was hogging all the bull, so he got his ass kicked. I'm not sure…

Football player runs into kid
If you haven’t seen this video yet it has been all over the news today. A football player catches a touchdown and slams into a four year old kid standing on the sideline. Fortunately, outside of some bruises the kid is ok...

Brilliant prank completely humiliates a comedian
Telling the audience not to laugh at a comedian's jokes is nothing short of evil. And pretty brilliant, too…

Nasty skater knockout
Yep and now you're head hurts like a little bitch…

Idiot on a bike gets double the ownage
In a couple of years when he and his wife just can't understand why she can't get pregnant, I hope he remembers this little stunt…

Tiger Woods farts...
Tiger Woods lets one rip…he’s out in the open air when he’s physical supplying the global warming theory of Al Gore…

Indian candy shop
Ill show you want I've got! Much better than half a dollar his tune!

Biker splits his shin wide open on failed trick
Quitting after the first 11 failed attempts would've been the wise choice. And his shin agrees. *Warning: rather disgusting*…

Homemade pressurized piss-launcher...
This guy’s friends were sick of having to go outside to take a piss (why can’t they just go inside?) so he created a pressurized urinal that launches the piss directly into the neighbour’s garden…what a miserable morons in that neighbourhood, I guess the most of you would have a quick response which would send those guy’s to the hospital with their pee problem… ;(

Kid knocks someone out then fights another guy
I need to get me a pair of those red camo shorts so I can be tough too…

Amateur wresting
Kid jumps of the roof onto his mate lying on a table, may have broke his back…

Sluts from Craig list get busted by undercover cops
Apparently online prostitution is still prostitution….

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Big dog ;)

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For Wednesday again our beautiful and very huge collection of Amazing, Funny, Weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues for you ;)

Wednesday postings ;)
Yes here is our Linkbox24 again. Today with a very big collection of new links, with some beautiful clips…a few news issues, of which I hope you’ll appreciate them too ;)

That little guy has a nasty kind of communication sometimes which seems to be at least less professional as it ought to be for a certificated therapist… ;)

Wonderful Underworld - Felix Prestigiacomo PAST SEASON WINNER. You'll clap if you know what's good for you.

More Mr. Bean
Britain's most famous bumbling fool returns for another round of beautiful and funny photographs! Some of them could be your new screensaver… ;)

Don't bother trying to film this psychotic cat
The only logical conclusion is that this cat is spawn of Satan…

Drunken man with a hors in the bank, leaving a deposit
Drunken man rides horse into bank. A drunk German horse rider rode into a bank foyer to sleep for the night, after having one too many for the road during a stopover at his local beer-garden. Heinrich was let off with a warning and rode home. But bank staff was less than impressed when they arrived and had to clean up after the horse, which had left a deposit of his own on the foyer floor…

Linkbox24 is the place to visit everyday for anyone, send our link to your friends ;) It is the place to advertise too. But not with annoying pop-ups or articles no one should want to buy: Only the best firms and products, the new creative inventions or services could have a banner or a posting here. Either if you want to expose and sell some art or antiques, write me if you’ll like that ;) Or search trough our huge archives for more beautiful and Amazing, Funny, weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues. In that goldmine of links must be something very special and precious for you too ;)

Mr. Bean does Jesus
If Mr. Bean was giving the sermon, I'd be all about church…

The flying motorbike
It's a whole new way to think of the Harley. Meet the sky-cycle. It's easy to fly and easy to land. On the ground, in turns into a trike, and it easily fits in your garage. What else do you need to meet the 21st century head on?

SNL - sloth’s
A hilarious Saturday Night Live skit about Sloth’s… SLOTHS! They party 24 hours a day!

With a ball of steel to the tigers
Claw's encounter: Here's another fine mesh you've got me into… The eye of the tiger, or perhaps more importantly the teeth, are a little too close for comfort. But Arnd Drossel appears to have at least baffled the beasts, if not tamed them, with his spherical steel enclosure. The German performance artist turned the conventions of the zoo on their head by putting himself inside a cage and allowing the big cats to view him as a curiosity. His stunt was one stop on a 220-mile roll through the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia to raise money for, and awareness about, psychiatric patients…

Instant ice
Watch this water instantly freeze when being poured out. Pretty cool looking!

Use a condom to make fire
A condom, plus water, equals fire: Doesn't compute, does it? But take a look at this video and you'll see how you can indulge your inner pyromaniac while having unsafe sex!

Machine guns stolen from SWAT team
Machine guns stolen from SWAT van... Memphis police were looking Monday night for the thieves who stole seven weapons from a North Carolina SWAT team van parked in South Memphis. Members of the SWAT team based in Raleigh, N.C., were eating at Interstate Bar-B-Que, 2265 S. Third, about 3:30 p.m. Monday when they realized their van had been broken into, said Lt. Jerry Gwyn of Memphis felony response. Taken were three machine guns, two semi-automatic handguns, and two 12-gauge shot guns, Gwyn said. I’m glad this is the final proof of the pudding…at least these cops aren’t the stereotype ones…they were not eating donuts…the donut was always a appropriate solution for a hungry cop, they could eat it in the van and their guns weren’t stolen…ask a guy like Andy Sipowicz… ;)

Extreme bumming
Dumb kids trying to be wrestlers hurt themselves jumping off a car…

Guys flip buddies jeep down
Some guy flips his jeep while off road driving… His friends show up to help him out but end up rolling it down the hill into a ditch…

ESPN sports montage
A moving ESPN montage about the glory and tragedy of sport: Pretty cool...

Teens killed their friend
Girls 'just felt right' murdering friend. TWO teenagers who wanted to experience murder told police it "felt right" to strangle a friend and bury her body in a shallow grave beneath her West Australian home. "Sunday morning me and (her) woke up, and we were just talking, and for some reason we just decided to kill her," one of the girls told police in her interview. "We just did it because we felt like it, it is hard to explain," the other girl said. "We knew it was wrong, but it didn't feel wrong at all, it just felt right."

Rapist gets arrested and his pit-bull gets tasered
Dog yelps could even make Mr. T cry…maybe they could taser that rapist too…

Underage beer mission
A hilarious skit where a few guys go to pretty extreme measures; in an attempt to buy a few cases of beer….

Indoor soccer match at North Texas turns violent
After the first punch, keep your eye on #5 and the magnificent running shoulder he delivers to #53…

More bumper cars
Why do people try to drive when the streets are solid ice? Ah well, at least it makes for some amusing videos.

Turkish bad ass fights off multiple attackers
As impressive as this is, it all makes a lot more sense at the 54 second mark…

Mike Daisey - audience walkout
A group of nutty Christians walks out of a Mike Daisey monologue and one of them pours water on his notes. Crazy…

Soccer riot rocks the streets of Prague
Destroying things over religion is pretty dumb; blowing things up over a sports game is just retarded

Little boy gets completely owned by a football player
The guy who screams; “Medic! Medic! Medic!" really needs to take a break from all that Call of Duty 2…

Indiana SWAT team breach
Hey, check out this cool recording of a Indiana SWAT team, breaching a through a door...

Yoko Ono ruins performance
John Lennon and Chuck Berry are performing a song on a TV show when Yoko Ono lets loose her "primal scream" in the middle of it... pretty awkward…

Messi wonder goal
The goal that everyone has been talking about: This kid will surpass Maradona as Argentina's top soccer legend…

Off road gone wrong
This guy's jeep flips over after trying to climb an insanely steep hill...

Funny sports bloopers
Whether amateur or professional, there's so much going on when you're doing some sort of sport activity, that it's easy for something to go wrong. Luckily, sometimes things go wrong with hilarious results, instead of tragic ones!

Suspect surrenders
Los Angeles police chases a pick up truck that ended in a collision with another car on an intersection. The suspect sprinted across several parking lots before he gave up…

F#$% you metro traffic report...
Someone having some fun in the graphics department just lost their job…

Smart wrestling move
Hehe, this may not has been necessary, but it was definitely a good and on time move!

Spray-paint can explosion
These guys blow up some spray paint cans and get some awesome explosions in an old barn…

Boomhauers meaning of life
King of the Hill's Boomhauer explains the meaning of life. So, so deep...

Super Mario brothers is frustrating - part 1
The last level of Super Mario Brothers is so damn frustrating! This is the first 12 minute internet video that I watched from start to finish without getting bored once, part 2 is equally funny. Brought back memories…

Soccer ball into the face
Hehe, a already classic movie, where penalty kick goes directly into the keepers face after hitting the bar!

Girl accidentally hits a guy in the face with a bat
This is why the hardest object a woman should hold is a spatula. And no, that wasn't a cut on women. It was a cut on spatulas…

Two headed snake
Toxins in the ground, in the air, and in our water supply are what produces mutations like these... Cool, huh?

A Zippo trick
Here we have a nice trick for you guys that always play with their Zippo lighters!

Bill Maher talks about legalization of marijuana on Larry King…frequent visitors of our Linkbox24 know it all; my opinion is (as a Dutch citizen): pleas keep it illegal and arrest all traffic pushers and dealers…

Back street daddy angry
As if making a fan video for the Backstreet Boys isn't bad enough, now you've got your redneck dad telling you you're gay…

Brawl breaks out after a fat chick beats up some girl
There really needs to be weight classes in street fights. This girl outweighs the other one by a minimum of 230 pounds…

Super Mario brothers is frustrating - part 2
Due to popular demand, here is part 2 of Super Mario Brothers is Frustrating. This guy has some classic lines; again this is a 12 minute video that I watched the whole way through without getting bored ever...

Sexy McDonald’s ad
This foreign McDonalds ad takes a new twist on Ronald McDonald!

Dogs with wigs
These dogs could form a rock band any day...weird pictures of poor dogs

One of the Worst UFC knockouts ever
It's good to see the "punch this bitch straight in his face" strategy still works sometimes…

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I told you before: I'm the boss ;)

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For Tuesday again our beautiful and very huge collection of Amazing, Funny, Weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues for you ;)

Tuesday postings ;)
Yes here is our Linkbox24 again. Today with a very big collection of new links, with some beautiful clips…a few news issues, of which I hope you’ll appreciate them too ;)

The conclusion is simple; probably it’s a reality in the life of anyone, either in the life’s of professional therapists, that there are sad moments which someone need a therapy immediately for…

Pulitzer photography prize winner
2007 Pulitzer Prize Winners: The intimate portrayal of a single mother and her young son as he loses his battle with cancer…pictures and text you must see, not only as a tearjerker, but either as a reminder; the struggle against cancer must go on…scientific and in personal, social and economic aspacts and circumstances... it can still be improved…I feel sad for this mom, she deserves all our respect...

Yoren and the keytones
Yoren and The Keytones - David CaptainHowdy Captain Howdy presents, Yoren and The Keytones sing a song we've all sung before. Will they find relief? Cross your legs and see what happens…

Linkbox24 is the place to visit everyday for anyone, send our link to your friends ;) It is the place to advertise too. But not with annoying pop-ups or articles no one should want to buy: Only the best firms and products, the new creative inventions or services could have a banner or a posting here. Either if you want to expose and sell some art or antiques, write me if you’ll like that ;) Or search trough our huge archives for more beautiful and Amazing, Funny, weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues. In that goldmine of links must be something very special and precious for you too ;)

Unicycles are extreme
You got to give these guys credit for picking something cooler than skating...

Speed boat origami - how to
This video show's you how to make a speed boat that really floats in water... out of square paper…

When cats take over the world
This is a cute pictorial of Cats & Kittens in a video done to the song,' When Cats Take Over The World '…

Birth on the sidewalk
Woman Gives Birth, Abandons Baby On SF SidewalkA San Francisco woman gave birth to a baby boy on the sidewalk Sunday night, then walked away pretending that it never happened, said San Francisco police Capt. Al Casciato…

Shaq disses Vlade
An old video of Shaq dissing Vlade Divac a few years back when the Lakers and Kings met in the playoffs. Shaq is hilarious!

The super human catapult
The Human Catapult... Bonus: Bike Stunt Compilation

Insurgent taken out
Insurgent taken out in open desert…

Iraq... 48 killed on one day
A string of bombings kill at least 48 in Iraq. According to information made available to the United Nations, some 34,452 Iraqi civilians were killed in 2006 as a result of sectarian violence….

That's my purse
A King of the Hill clip in which Bobby makes good use of his newly-learned self-defense technique...

Plane crashes into ocean
I guess just like me you were glad we both were not on this plane…

Rabbit snacks
Apparently, rabbits have never evolved an instinct to not go sniff large, serpentine masses coiled on the floor…

Mind reader fails on nail trick
A guy gets on a local German news program and attempts to read the anchors mind to determine the location of a hidden nail. He should have known better. Men will never understand what women are thinking and now he’s got a nail through his hand to remind him…

Giant African snail
Now that is one large snail! Imagine how much slime it must produce... Gross…

The making of halo 3 multiplayer
Learn about what you and your frat-boy friends will be playing for hours on end for the next few years…

The many faces of Google
This is a pretty cool compilation of a bunch of the holiday logos Google has used over the last couple years…

Worst halftime show ever
Whoever thought that this would be a good halftime show obviously did not anticipate the crowd's reaction…

Power down
If a tree falls and knocks over power-lines on live TV, what kind of sound does it make?

South Park California love
The kids of South Park bust out some Tupac music to lead a homeless mob to California. Pretty funny…

Porsche cayenne turbo vs. skydiver
Top Gear has to one-up themselves in the zany races they dream up…

Gonzales implicated again
As if the attorney-firing scandal wasn't enough, Alberto Gonzales is about to be implicated in another cover-up. This clown should be imprisoned for obstruction of justice…

Bill Dance gets hooked
Karma bites, doesn't it Bill?

Passed out - engine burnout
If you're going to drink too much and pass out in your car, just make sure your foot isn't on the gas…

First McDonalds commercial
Check out how creepy Ronald McDonald used to be. I wouldn't let my kids anywhere near that restaurant!

Extreme sky diving
Sky divers are a pretty nutty bunch at the best of times, but there’s always someone willing to go further…

Mr. inappropriate
An episode of "Balls of Steel" where a guy goes around pissing people off by doing all kinds of weird/inappropriate things…

Bat vs. face
The ghosts of murdered pumpkins claim their vengeance as this fruit-smasher takes a bat right in the face…

Super glue prank
A nasty prank turns into a trip to the hospital…

Dollar store coming to rodeo drive
Rodeo Drive is one of the most celebrated and exclusive shopping streets in the world and now coming soon its getting its very own dollar store…

Worst mix-tape-boom-box
This guy loses a bet and has to walk around town blasting horrible songs from a boom-box he's carrying. Pretty funny…

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs get techno-sexual
Do you want to hear about multiple graphic card configurations? No thanks…

Gas pump accident
A sleeping driver crashes through a gas station and takes out a whole pump that causes a fire…

Treadmill stunts
Some crazy kids put together a sweet video by using just using a treadmill, hockey gear, and some sleds!

The internet reposted
Some of the most popular videos from the past couple of years…

Back-flip off a bike doing a wheelie
This guy tries to do some cool motor stunts and sort of nails one but he isn’t the best at it…

Drinking smoke in a glass
These guys teach us how to drink smoke from a glass. A little belated 420 video…

Another biker tries the back-flip
This guy tries to back-flip off his motorbike whilst doing a wheelie, and nails it good…

Girl receives a quick and violent beating
I heard the one girl removed the other one from her MySpace Top 8. And you don't pull that shit and get away with it…

Crazy turtle love
This guy looks and sounds like the ultimate pornstar of the reptile World…

Skater faceplants and nearly snaps his spine
In light of yesterday's skater video where no one got hurt, I think this kid makes up for it pretty well with perhaps the worst attempt at a trick I've ever seen…

Nasty rubber band hit
Some office worker minding his own business is going to have a nasty bruise at the end of this…

Douche-bag in a suit attempts a stunt for his crappy movie
The bad part about making your own low budget movie is that you have to do your own stunts. Case in point: this jackass…

Ashley Judd in Bug
We saw this trailer and wondered how much we would need to pay to be stuck permanently in Ashley Judd’s body, plus the movie looks pretty good...

Kid gets kicked hard in the head not once but twice
It's a shame his head didn't fall off. Idiot…

Real shocking BMX crash
I don’t know what happened to this guy after the accident but needless to say he won’t have any teeth left…

Cop shooting an unarmed man in the face caught on tape
How this cop actually got a PROMOTION instead of a job cleaning floors at McDonald's is beyond my comprehension. Whoever reviewed this case is either blind, fucking retarded, or most likely both…

Turtle boy
What the...

Home-invasion results in three senseless murders
The raw video of this sick robbery-murder has been around for a while, but this one has a lot more. The way they casually shoot their victims is disturbing…

Eating another guys puke
This guy wants to be an intern and will do anything to get the part…

Inside the mind of a cold blooded killer
If you kill your mom and stab an inmate 67 times, you should probably be kept away from anything that can be used as a shank. But apparently not if you're this guy…

Kicking a Suicide bomber's head - Warning graphic… I think they were making sure he was dead? *warning graphic*…kicking isn’t the right word, they used their feet to see the face of the man…

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