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Monday, April 14, 2008

For April , 14, beautiful, huge collection, Amazing, Funny, Weird, Insane, Bizarre, Cruel Serious, Issues for you… ;)

On Monday our beautiful new postings to push the vitality of your brain ;) enough to read, listen and view for you too…Yes here is our Linkbox24 again. Today again with a very big collection of new links, with some beautiful clips…a few news issues, of which I hope you’ll appreciate them too… ;)

Excess of information
Excess of information by Roberto Avaria We live in a time in that all know too much. We accumulate information in limitless form, without worrying in knowing if it is true. At the end we will collapse and we will leave again in a cycle without end.

Robot Riding a Bike
This is Murata Boy, a robot capable of riding bicycles unassisted. Balancing, pedaling, turning the bike to avoid obstacles, and stopping without leaning to either side - this robot is ready to start jumping cars.

LOST Parodies - episode 3 - Harry Potter
With Season 4 of LOST now on a month hiatus, RavenStake.com shows what the Losties are up to during the break.

Men are thinking about sex 150 times a day, women only 30 times per day but with foreplay and take the time to play along, again, playoff and fulfillment too…

Linkbox24 is the place to visit for anyone, send our link to your friends ;) It is a place to advertise too. But not with annoying pop-ups or articles no one should want to buy: Only the best firms and products, the new creative inventions or services could have a banner or a posting here. Either if you want to expose and sell some art or antiques, write me if you’ll like that ;) Or search through our huge archives for more beautiful and Amazing, Funny, weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues. In that goldmine of links must be something very special and precious for you too… ;)

Gourmet Monkey Spit Beans
For coffee lovers around the world, it seems no method is too strange for the perfect brew. But I'm going to pass on this delicacy. This coffee is made up of beans that have already been chewed and then spit out by monkeys. Nasty!

Batman Vs. The Bomb
Someone set Batman up the bomb. Or the bomb up Batman. Or something…

Kobe Bryant Jumps Over Speeding Car
I got to imagine this video is faked but it definitely appears real. Got to imagine somewhere in Kobe's contract they say don't jump over friggin speeding cars…

The drug abuse of JFK...
The drug abuse of John F Kennedy…Why did John F Kennedy make such a hash of the Bay of Pigs and his summit meeting with Nikita Khrushchev in Vienna? And how could the same man have dealt so competently with the Cuban Missile Crisis slightly over a year later?
The usual theory is that Kennedy gained experience and a healthy scepticism for official advice…. Now a new book offers an alternative explanation. In his riveting volume In Sickness and In Power, former Foreign Secretary and medic David Owen reviews the health and medication of leaders over the last century. The chapter on Kennedy is jaw-dropping.
Owen starts by convincingly asserting that Kennedy was much sicker than is commonly appreciated and certainly much sicker than was appreciated at the time. His Addison's disease was very debilitating and needed constant attention. And there were other health troubles. During the Bay of Pigs fiasco Owen writes that Kennedy had: Constant and acute diarrhoea and a recurrence of his urinary tract infection. Central to Owen's account is the idea that the administration of drugs to Kennedy for these various ailments was out of control. In particular, without the knowledge of his other doctors and at the same time as they were giving him other drugs, he was being tended to by Max Jacobson, a doctor known as "Dr Feelgood" because of his reputation as a provider of amphetamines and pep pills. In time Jacobson's drug treatment became almost a recreational drug for Kennedy. Jacobson was later struck off…

Wave riding USS Kitty
Wave Riding With The USS Kitty Hawk (No audio) – 2008 Hello on the bow…

Stand-up comedian Terry Clement
Terry Clement …The Exorcist… Comedy clip from Terry Clement called 'The Exorcist' which is role play…

Jumping the Great Wall of China
In 2005 during a sponsored event the skateboarder Danny Way, 31 from California, cruised down a massive ramp at 50 mph and flew across the Great Wall of China becoming the first un-motorized person to clear the wall. He made the jump five times in front of a crowd of several thousand Chinese dignitaries and officials. The event was not open to the general public. Two years earlier Wang Jiaxiong from northwest China's Shaanxi province fell to his death while trying to jump over the Great Wall on his bike…

Stand-up comedian Ed Byrne
Ed Byrne Drinking… Ed Byrne tells us how much he loves drinking booze…

A suspect Iraqi vehicle
A Suspect Iraqi Vehicle Tried Not To Stop At A US Marines Check Point - in Iraq…

Head On Train Collision
A powerful locomotive misses its track swap and ends up colliding with an oncoming train!

The states of play
The States of Play. Why Obama is targeting Appalachia, while McCain visits Brooklyn…

ATV Towing Power Wheels Goes Bad
This is video evidence of why you should not tow a power wheels behind an ATV…

Obama mocks Hillary as - "Annie Oakley"...
Obama: Shame on 'Annie Oakley' "She knows better. Shame on her. Shame on her," Obama said, and then expressed some amusement at Hillary's emergence as a tribune of the Second Amendment: "She is running around talking about how this is an insult to sportsman, how she values the second amendment. She's talking like she's Annie Oakley," Obama said, invoking the famed female sharpshooter immortalized in the musical "Anne Get Your Gun."bama continued, saying "Hillary Clinton is out there like she's on the duck blind every Sunday. She's packing a six-shooter. Come on, she knows better. That's some politics being played by Hillary Clinton." …

F-15 refueling
F-15 refueling over Afghanistan…

Cutest Puppy Ever
Can you imagine how awesome a pillow made of puppies would be?

German mine WW2 washed up on beach
German mine washed up on beach is detonated in front of holidaymakers…Thar she blows: A WW2 mine explodes on Stert Island in Bridgewater Bay, Somerset…

500LB on Taliban
F15 500lb bomb drops on Taliban…(no audio) but very clear vision of the Pilots attempts to knock em all over…

Cat Loves Boxing
Now this cat is a real boxing fan and probably wishes he was in the ring against some big ugly dog…

Look how American I am...cheers
"Look how American I am!", continued…Hillary Clinton: "Who do Americans want to have a beer with? Look--I've got photographic evidence right here!"
Fact: Hillary is determined to stay in this thing. Fact: We can't get her to stop doing John McCain's work for him…

Chelsea Clinton tangles verbal
Chelsea Clinton shows her campaign skills in Oregon. Chelsea Clinton sparred briefly Saturday with a Sen. Barack Obama supporter who asked whether her mother would consider a vice presidential gig if she doesn't win the nomination. "Well, sir, you make a lot of assumptions in that," Clinton said, stirring a loud round of applause from a crowd of more than 300 at the Eugene Hilton. Clinton, in Oregon to campaign for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton, went on to say she believes passionately in her mom's bid. She said such questions are better answered after voters have their say in Pennsylvania, Oregon and the other states yet to weigh in on the primary. Matt Keating, a 31-year-old student at Lane Community College, started his question by saying, "With all due respect . . ." and Clinton, 28, immediately interrupted with a semi-sarcastic, "Oh dear." Keating said afterward he was impressed with Clinton's response even though he supports her mother's opponent in the race. "Maybe she should have a career in politics, because she gave a political response," Keating said about Chelsea Clinton. He later added, "It's difficult not to be charmed by someone so well-spoken."…

Skier Knocks Himself Out
This skier didn't land very good coming off that ramp and appeared to be down for the count. What's worse is that nobody exactly seemed to be in a hurry to help him out afterwards…

Granny is angry
Granny Has A Kerfuffle With A Skid Row Panhandler. This is really bizarre to watch. I'm not sure what started the whole incident, but she sure does have a good set of lungs!

Parents Prank Child
What kind of horrible parents do this to their kid?

Wife could not give me a child - so I swapped her for a goat...
Wife could not give me a child so I swapped her for a goat…A farmer who blamed his wife for not providing him with a child has swapped her for a goat with three kids. Three-times-wed Stoil Panayotov struck a deal with another farmer at a livestock market and handed over his wife in exchange for eight-year-old Elena. Stoil, 54, said: "A friend told me that he had no luck with women and that he really liked my wife." Amazingly, she went along with the arrangement. Stoil added: "The deal was reached when my wife gave her approval. "The goat has given birth to three kids and my wife to none. This deal was more profitable to the goat owner - I got a second-hand goat and he got a brand new wife."…

Don’t Let this Girl Punch You
You'd think this girl in the pink sweater would not pack a strong punch. This guy agrees to get punched. He regrets it…

Leg snap
Ouch! That did my stomach a lot of good...

Carl Bernstein - what a Hillary Clinton Presidency look like...
What will a Hillary Clinton presidency look like? The answer by now seems obvious: It will look like her presidential campaign, which in turn looks increasingly like the first Clinton presidency. Which is to say, high-minded ideals, lowered execution, half truths, outright lies (and imaginary flights), take-no prisoners politics, some very good policy ideas, a presidential spouse given to wallowing in anger and self-pity, and a succession of aides and surrogates pushed under the bus when things don’t go right. Which is to say, often. And endless psychodrama: the essential Clintonian experience that mesmerizes the press, confuses the citizenry, confounds members of both parties in Congress (not to mention the Clintons themselves, at times) and pretty much keeps the rest of the world constantly amused and fixated. Such a picture of Clinton Redux is, by definition, speculation. But it is speculation based on the best evidence at hand: the demonstrable and familiar record of Hillary and Bill Clinton coupled together in Permanent Campaign-mode for a generation, waging a continuous fight on the national political stage since 1992, an unceasing campaign for the White House, for redemption, for their ideas (sometimes) and for themselves (almost always), especially in 2008.

Embarrassing Question For Tiger Woods
This chick gets into a press conference before the Masters and asks Tiger Woods some embarrassing questions…

How To Kill Your Friend
Doing that into a lake would probably be okay, but clotheslining someone off a dock onto solid ground? Not smart…

Saran Wrap Prank On Crabby Roommate
This dude was in a really bad mood, so his roommates Saran Wrapped the top of of a doorway then pissed him off so he would run right into it…

Man and Woman Get Attacked by a Gang of Asian Kids
I'm not exactly tough, but if this ever happened to me, there would promptly be a pile of beaten 9 year olds all crying in Chinese…

Bigfoot World Record Jump
This is Dan Runte in Bigfoot 14 when he set the World Record for a Monster Truck long jump of 202 feet while jumping over a Boeing 727 Jetliner…

I don't know what he did but it must have been bad…

Dude Gets Punched Outside of his House for Stealing
And then he tapped his red shoes together and went back to Kansas…

Dick invites Hillary for a hunting contest
Dick Cheney Challenges Hillary Clinton To A Hunting Contest…Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Vice President Dick Cheney said that a hunting contest between him and the New York senator was “the only way” to determine whether Sen. Clinton’s tales of her gun prowess were for real…“To be frank, Hillary Clinton’s stories about her adventures with guns don’t exactly pass the smell test,” the vice president told host Tim Russert. “If she really wants to show that she knows how to handle a rifle, there’s an easy way to do that: meet me in the woods.”…the nation is watching this contest with breathless anticipation…haha

Drunk Semi Driver
This happened in Los Angeles. I hate it when these drunk bastards fuck up my commute…

Complete Maniacs Show Off their Street Surfing Skills
I thought about doing this once, but then someone told me about death. So forget it…

Breastfeeding monkey interrupted
Breastfeeding Monkey Gets Interrupted. Tee hee. Good for a lafff :)

Annoying Reporter Microphone Prank
Some democratic supporter is being interviewed when one of the reporters starts to mess with him…

Greatest jump of Ken Carter
Classic Hoon Of The Day: The Greatest Jump Ken Carter Never Made. The video takes a little explanation but, for the uninitiated, it is well worth it. Ken Carter was the great Canadian stunt driver who, initially, undertook the usual types of challenges that you see here in the beginning of this clip. Eventually, he decided he wanted to make one great memorable rocket-powered jump over the St. Lawrence Seaway from Canada into the United States, a distance of nearly a mile. There are numerous attempts to get the funding, the weather and the materials to work. After years he think he's got his jump ready in a 1979 Lincoln Continental in an attempt weirdly similar to The Ramp BMW documentary. Things don't go right and he aborts five second before take-off. He retreats to his hotel for nine days. The crew, afraid of losing more money, convinces a friend of Carter's to make the jump without Carter's knowledge. The results were disastrous as the car didn't get the speed it needed. The driver survived, but Carter died months later in another stunt before completing this stunt…

Little Kid Briefly Dies After Getting Scared by his Dad
We should send revenge suggestions to this little kid. I vote for pouring cyanide in Dad's coffee…

The ultimate rap off
Haha... damn that was retarded…

Clearing the Road of Bloody Bodies After an Accident
This accident was surely caused by the demon midget that runs away in the background at the 3-4 second mark…

Fun With Flamethrowers
I need one of these for my next barbecue… kids; don’t try this at home…

German Chancellor Angela Merkel plunging neckline
German Chancellor Angela Merkel shows off plunging neckline. Angela Merkel shows she's keeping abreast of foreign affairs on a State visit last night - and teaching our Home Secretary Jacqui Smith a lesson into the bargain. Germany's Chancellor revealed her impressive decolletage while chatting to Norway's prime minister Jens Stoltenberg at the opening of Olso Opera House...

Slow Kid Agrees to Take a Bungee Cord to the Nuts
When he later realized a testicle fell out of his pant leg, the laughter stopped…

Order Some Humans Today
Is your planet full of lush greenery? Does your planet have natural, awe-inspiring beauty with a self-sustaining ecosystem? Then you need humans! In just a few short thousand years, they can utterly destroy your planet. Order some Humans for your planet today! Come on, Universe!

Kid Jumps Over Speeding Station Wagon
This kid uses a bucket and jumps over a speeding station wagon. The kids commentary is hilarious.

Babalou Delivers Probably the Bloodiest Victory in UFC
Considering you only have 12 pints of blood in your body and about 9 are on the mat, this could be a problem…

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