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Saturday, April 05, 2008

For April , 05, beautiful, huge collection, Amazing, Funny, Weird, Insane, Bizarre, Cruel Serious, Issues for you… ;)

On Saturday our beautiful new postings to push the vitality of your brain ;) enough to read, listen and view for you too…Yes here is our Linkbox24 again. Today again with a very big collection of new links, with some beautiful clips…a few news issues, of which I hope you’ll appreciate them too… ;)

Ratrix hero
Ratrix hero by Aniboom 2007 "Ratrix Hero is a short animated film with a running time of 6 minutes which takes its inspiration from the film "The Matrix". The Hero is a rat and is chased by agents with cat's head"… yes even in animation movies: it’s a kind of Raturday/Caturday again… ;)

Translation easy…Silence area…Sigmund got a ticket…Proof for the Judge: the cops got the whistle…

Linkbox24 is the place to visit for anyone, send our link to your friends ;) It is a place to advertise too. But not with annoying pop-ups or articles no one should want to buy: Only the best firms and products, the new creative inventions or services could have a banner or a posting here. Either if you want to expose and sell some art or antiques, write me if you’ll like that ;) Or search through our huge archives for more beautiful and Amazing, Funny, weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues. In that goldmine of links must be something very special and precious for you too… ;)

Tug Boat Tips Over
Tug boat is towing a much larger ship sideways which turns out to be a not so good maneuver…

Cute little cat
Caturday is starting a little early today with some kitten cuteness of a proud owner who made this movie…

Flying Lawn Mower
Check out this awesome footage of a 100 cc flying lawn mower. It can pull off some sweet tricks!

McCain to kid: 'You little jerk; you're drafted!'
McCain to Kid: "You Little Jerk; You're Drafted!" Republican candidate for president John McCain responds to a question about the 71-year-old's age at a New Hampshire High School Q&A session…;)

Traffic fun
Funny accident compilation. Well, some could have been fatal but luckily everyone was unharmed…

Can We Trust the Polar Bear?
Polar bears are a candidate for the Endangered Species Act listing. But can we trust the polar bear? This is a parody ad paid for by the National Center for Public Policy Research and Citizens United.

Obama and King
Obama and King. Martin Luther King Jr. died at age 39; today, the 40th anniversary of his death, is the first time he has been gone longer than he lived. Figures such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have tried to claim his place on the American stage. But at most they have achieved fame and wealth. What separated King from any would-be successor was his moral authority. He towered above the high walls of racial suspicion by speaking truth to all sides. Now comes Barack Obama, a black man and a plausible national leader, who appeals across racial lines. But to his black and white supporters, Mr. Obama increasingly represents different things. And he wasted time in his Philadelphia speech on race by saying he can't "disown" Rev. Wright any more than he could "disown the black community." No one has asked him to disown Rev. Wright. Only in a later appearance on "The View" television show did he say that he would have left the church if Rev. Wright had not retired and not acknowledged his offensive language. As the nation tries to recall the meaning of Martin Luther King today, Mr. Obama's campaign has become a mirror reflecting where we are on race 40 years after the assassination. Mr. Obama's success has moved forward the story of American race relations; King would have been thrilled with his political triumphs. But when Barack Obama, arguably the best of this generation of black or white leaders, finds it easy to sit in Rev. Wright's pews and nod along with wacky and bitterly divisive racial rhetoric, it does call his judgment into question. And it reveals a continuing crisis in racial leadership. What would Jesus do? There is no question he would have left that church…you can’t compare Obama and King…

Coke Bottle Music Man
Don't hang up yet, this one will get much better about 45 seconds into the video when the music man starts banging the tambourine…

Donkey punch
Donkey Punch Jason Jones interviews a superdelegate who happens to be a college student and grills Gary Hart about his former presidential chances…

Embarrassing Shot on His Own Goal
Considering how seriously soccer is taken in some countries, this player's goal on his own net is going to take a very long time to live down. It's probably safe to assume he was trying to kick it out of bounds…

Drug addicts an alcoholics on UK benefits double in a decade...
Drug addicts and alcoholics on benefits double in a decade. The number of drug abusers and alcoholics on incapacity benefits has more than doubled in ten years. Your View: Is Britain a nation of addicts? Figures show that more than 100,000 addicts are now claiming the benefit, which can be worth as much as £87.50 a week. The increase has come during a decade when the Government has relaxed laws on cannabis possession and introduced 24 hour drinking across the country. In 2007 a total of 51,410 people picked up the benefit because they were classified as suffering from alcoholism - a rise from the 1997 figure of 26,800. Those claiming the benefit because of drug abuse has risen from 21,900 in 1997 to 49,890 last year. The total number of people claiming Incapacity Benefit has risen over the past 10 years and now stands at 2.64 million. Some 1.8 million have started their claim since 1997 This means that drug abuses or alcoholics now account for almost one in every 25 claimants. In 1997 they accounted for less than one in 50. The Conservatives said that the benefits bill for these claimants is estimated to be running at over £8.5 million per week, and over £400 million a year. Chris Grayling, the shadow Work and Pensions secretary, said the current system does nothing to encourage addicts to receive treatment for their condition. Mr Grayling said: "These figures yet again show how Labour cannot get to grips with our welfare system. [Work and Pensions secretary] James Purnell likes to talk tough about Welfare Reform, but Labour's record over the last ten years shows they have failed." Matthew Elliott, chief executive for the campaigning group TaxPayers' Alliance, added: "It is absolutely shocking that so much taxpayers' money is being wasted on subsidising a lifestyle of alcoholism and drug. The benefits system is meant to be about helping people fallen on hard times to get back on their feet not keeping people on the breadline in lives of addiction for the long term." The incapacity benefit figures were revealed shortly after the Government admitted that nearly £3million is paid out every year to 12,000 people who no longer live in the UK…this is ridiculous ;(

Monkeys Fly to Freedom
These smart monkeys make their jailbreak but they should be careful what they wish for. This was a classic Super Bowl spot for a couple of years...

Tumbler goes splat
I think she got a bit carried away...

Snowmobile Sinks Through the Ice
This snowmobile driver had no problem getting himself out of harms way, but by the time he turned his camera towards the hole in the ice, the snowmobile was already submerged…

Only Hillary could make it up...
Mark Steel: You couldn't make it up (unless you're Hillary, that is). Traditionally, Democrat candidates for President start slightly radical, then try to reassure Conservative America, get in a tangle and look like idiots. But this time may be different, because Barack Obama has stuck by his friend the militant preacher, refusing to disown him, and Hillary Clinton has gone mental. Her response to being caught lying to a military audience, when she invented a story about being under sniper fire in Bosnia, was to say it wasn't surprising she got some things wrong, seeing how she spoke millions of words every day. What a magnificent idea, that if you say lots of words some of them are bound to be fantastic lies. So if you listen carefully to horse-racing commentators they say things like "And it's Teddy's Boy still leading three furlongs out as they come up to the fourth last fence with Nip and Tuck two lengths behind by the way I fought a tiger once, punched it clean out and they're all safely over." This wasn't just a politician's lie, it was the pointless lie of someone who sits on their own in pubs and leans across to grab you and lie compulsively. Her next round of soft-focus adverts will probably feature her soothingly saying, "My fellow Americans, I drank a pint of walrus milk once for a bet. I speak fluent Eskimo. I once ate all the gherkins in Belgium. My brother's got a yak in his loft. I fell asleep on a night bus once and woke up in Munich, and had to get a lift back on a camel. I used to live on an iceberg. I've got a waffle-maker that works underwater." And the daft thing with Hillary is her real life is ridiculous enough…

Dude jumps into a huge cactus
Not the cleverest move he could make: The question remains... WHY?

John Lennon the Doorman
In late 1966, the Beatles had by this time quit touring forever so they could focus on moving their studio work even further. But on November 27, John Lennon took time out to play the Doorman in a Peter Cook and Dudley Moore's BBC-TV comedy show. It was the first public appearance of Lennon wearing his new trademark spectacles. The very next day, he was back to being the rock musician again as the Beatles recorded takes 2, 3, and 4 of Strawberry Fields Forever...

She talks to the animals
And like all animal communicators, Clare says she can connect to an animal's brainwaves, which send her messages in images, sensations and words. And sometimes the voice has an accent, like the white ferrett that told her in a Barry White voice, "I'm a ladies'man", before jumping down the top of his lady owner and ferreting about. Then there was the chimpanzee, now rescued from a research laboratory, who was a one-man woman. She told Clare: "My husband has other girlfriends and I'm not happy about it and I want to bash them." At the zoo, Clare had a field day with the lion, whose keeper confided he hadn't fathered many cubs because he had a low sperm count. "I knew that wasn't true," says Clare "because the lion had told me he didn't want to bring them into captivity but was going to give the lioness, who had recently lost her mate, some cubs for something to focus her love on." It's hard to keep a straight face. But this is all a very serious business. Animals tell her their problems, including their ills, and she helps them…

Albino alligator
Albino alligator in the Sun: Meet one of only 10 ugly-ass albino alligators in the world (more pictures of albino alligators…)

Air-horn causes wipeout
This dude blows his air-horn just as his mate is about to jump over a creek…

Maxim publisher Felix Dennis says: 'I've killed a man"...
Maxim publisher Felix Dennis: 'I've killed a man' The Oz trial defendant who is now a billionaire publisher with an empire that includes Maxim and The Week talks about poetry, whores, his past addiction to crack cocaine and the time he killed a man - a confession he later retracts… How this squares with him being one of the most successful self-made entrepreneurs in the world - worth between $400 and $900 million net (£750 million according to the Sunday Times Rich List); five homes; three estates in Mustique (where he spends half the year), Connecticut and Warwickshire; fancy cars; private jets; thousands of acres of land, including his vast, ever-expanding Forest of Dennis; a legendary wine cellar; a personal retinue of more than 50 staff; libraries stuffed with first editions, all specifics helpfully passed on to the readers of his own bestselling (of course) book How to Get Rich - is another matter. But what sane person - a magazine publisher, no less, even if he were on medication, would tell a journalist (of all people) on the record, even after drinking a number of bottles of excellent wine, that he has killed a man? Dennis is such good company and a wonderful host that it feels bad- mannered to repeat his astonishing claim, but if this was a strange flight of fantasy - and in vino it's not always a case of veritas - to pretend that you have killed someone, is a very questionable form of either humour or braggadocio. This bombshell came towards the end of a long interview in the conservatory of his Warwickshire home - almost five hours of taped conversation - at a point when I did not think it possible to be shocked by anything Dennis could say. We had covered: publishing in this country and the US, religion, marriage, hookers, wine, trees, politics, bonobo monkeys, his sex and crack cocaine addiction, the environment, poetry, the Oz trial, prison, his mother, his late estranged father, childhood and death, to name but a few of the topics. Before even the first bottle had been drained - a lovely 1996 Chablis - it was clear that there was almost no detail that Dennis felt shy about sharing.

Cats dilemma
On Caturday for sure a tune for cat lovers…

Referee shows off his catlike reflexes during a fight
Watching the entire set of Rocky every night for 3 years finally paid off. Hillary Clinton Skims Over Corporate-Law Work in Touting Public Service. Hillary Clinton says her ``35 years of experience making change'' and ``lifetime'' of public service make her uniquely qualified to be president. While her pitch to voters relies heavily on her 15 years as first lady and New York senator, Clinton, 60, skims over the preceding two decades in Arkansas. The candidate rarely if ever mentions that she spent at least as much time practicing corporate law for Little Rock's top firm as she did performing public service. Clinton's description is accurate if a bit disingenuous, said Robert Reich, 61, a Yale Law School classmate and former labor secretary under President Bill Clinton who has been critical of her campaign tactics. ``To say that one has spent their life in public service implies full-time work, and may suggest someone has not been distracted by a job as, say, a corporate lawyer,'' said Reich, who hasn't endorsed a candidate. ``But it is fair to say she's been engaged in public issues, and very engaged at a state and federal level long before she was elected to the Senate.'' Clinton spent 15 years at the prestigious Rose Law Firm, from the time Bill Clinton was elected Arkansas attorney general until he became president. She was the family breadwinner, earning several times her husband's $35,000 pay as governor…

World's Tallest Dog
A 3-year-old Great Dane from Sacramento, Calif., has been named the world's tallest dog by Guinness Book of World Records. He's 7 feet tall!

10K bond for woman accused of sex with minor
$10K Bond For Woman Accused Of Sex With Minor. A Paint Township woman is behind bars accused of having sex with a 14-year-old boy. The Highland County Sheriff's Office charged 48-year-old Arlis May Guyer with one count of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor. The sheriff's office said Guyer has also been charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor for a separate incident involving the same alleged victim…

The Magic Stick Prank
These guys pull off a classic dorm prank talking students into holding a bowl of water against the ceiling with a stick…

Ticket giveaway steals Bill Clinton's thunder...
Ticket giveaway steals Bill Clinton's thunder. It was an unexpected showdown of surrogates for Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton here Wednesday, and it sure looked like Obama's representative whipped up the most excitement. As former President Bill Clinton was extolling his wife's credentials, Obama's campaign office in Bloomington began giving away tickets to Sunday's Dave Matthews concert at Assembly Hall…

Tennis player flips out
He starts whacking himself around the head with his racket…

Fight breaks out between a couple of guys
Afterwards, they realized their fists didn't solve anything. And then dramatic music played as Danny Tanner explained a life lesson…

Westboro Baptist Church gets Rick Roll'd
Some guy cleverly Rick Rolls the Westboro Baptist church. Non-violent yet annoying pranks on these nut jobs are always funny…

Bulls owning people and even a little dog
At some point in early history, someone saw a bull and thought, "I think I'll piss that thing off and try to dodge it!" After he was most likely gored in the face, the tradition still caught on…

Mascot Terrorizes Spring Breakers
That crazy mascot from the Tampa Bay Lightning hits up some Florida beaches during spring break.

Why fat women shouldn't try to climb hills
This is possibly the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. She must be from Houston…

Biker Nails A Perfect 380
A biker attempts a difficult 360 but actually completes the more common 380 causing him to lose balance and face-plant hard into the dirt ramp…

Ruthless criminal shoots a clerk in the leg
This guy's still on the loose. So if you get shot in the leg and robbed, call the police and let them know…

Awareness Test Part II
Well, now I am 0 for 2 on these friggin awareness tests. This time I was even aware they were going to try and trick me and I still missed it…

Malaysian woman sues husband over lost virginity...
A Malaysian woman has sued her husband for 3 million ringgit (882,000 dollars) for the loss of her virginity after she claimed that he failed to fulfill his promises of a good marriage, a news report said Friday. The 30-year-old teacher from the eastern state of Sarawak also sought for the court to declare her marriage null and void…

Eyeball Popping Out
Can't remember the last time we've had a gross-out video on here but this eyeball trick is completely insane. All we need now is Tiger Woods to smack that thing with a 5-iron…kids; don’t try this stupid behavior at home…

Maniac pulls off a wicked stunt on a motorcycle
When he forgets to wear a helmet and does this, it's going to be hilarious. Cars will wreck on shards of his skull…

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