For April , 11, beautiful, huge collection, Amazing, Funny, Weird, Insane, Bizarre, Cruel Serious, Issues for you… ;)
On Friday our beautiful new weekend postings to push the vitality of your brain ;) enough to read, listen and view for you too…Yes here is our Linkbox24 again. Today again with a very big collection of new links, with some beautiful clips…a few news issues, of which I hope you’ll appreciate them too… ;)
The flower
The Flower by dale hayward its the flower birthday and he gets presents, painful ones watch Dales blog at: Ostrich industries …
Worm painting generator
With the Worm Painting Generator you can make beautiful psychedelic paintings like this one…
The woman asked Sigmund if he - as most of the other men - is fantasizing about sex, either during their therapy sessions, Sigmund denies, says he doesn’t… but his patient sadly enough isn’t happy with such an answer… another one: a woman is angry because she heard that ‘Sigmund told anyone’ he’s having sex with her…he doesn’t denied the gossip rumor says that’s right I’m a sex·ol·o·gy sexual-lie (Dutch loog is someone lied…yes a bad translation kills the joke)
Linkbox24 is the place to visit for anyone, send our link to your friends ;) It is a place to advertise too. But not with annoying pop-ups or articles no one should want to buy: Only the best firms and products, the new creative inventions or services could have a banner or a posting here. Either if you want to expose and sell some art or antiques, write me if you’ll like that ;) Or search through our huge archives for more beautiful and Amazing, Funny, weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues. In that goldmine of links must be something very special and precious for you too… ;)
Oops the chimney
Oops... pulling down the chimney…Pulling down a chimney goes terrible wrong…
Bill Clinton brings up Tuzla
On the trail in Indiana, Mike Memoli transcribes Bill Clinton telling his version of Tuzla: For those who forgot about the Tuzla rabbit hole, the speech where she got in trouble for “misspeaking” about arriving under sniper fire was in the morning, she told the story more than once, she didn’t acknowledge that she misspoke until more than a week after giving the speech (and long after the comedian Sinbad had disputed her recollections of the Bosnia trip), … and Pat Nixon visited Saigon in 1969 . And here's the explanation that two Clinton aides who accompanied the First Lady gave last week in the New York Times…
Good Samaritan brought money back...
Calif. Man Finds $140,000 In The Street. It was a tempting sight for struggling landscaper Eli Estrada: a bag filled with $140,000 on a Cerritos street. There was his credit card debt, upcoming wedding and making ends meet with his artificial grass and landscaping business. But turning it over to Long Beach police last month was the right thing to do, he said…
Kid on a computer gets an extremely cheap beating
When the urge to play WoW strikes, he'll do whatever it takes to play it…
Wilders changed things
The newest version of this kind of PowerPoint presentation movie. Geert wilders had to change a few things because he used (wrong) pictures of people and copied a drawing without consent of the original creator or artist…
Dick Cheney’s sunglasses...
Is that really a naked woman in Dick Cheney's sunglasses? He shot his hunting partner, but Vice President Dick Cheney apparently doesn't fly fish with naked women. Since Wednesday, the blogosphere has been atwitter over a photograph on the White House Web site of Cheney with a caption that said he was fly-fishing on the Snake River in Idaho. The photo is a tight shot of Cheney's face sporting dark sunglasses and his trademark grin. What's stirring all the buzz is the reflection in the vice president's dark glasses. Some thought that the reflection looked like a naked woman and, this being Cheney and this being the Internet Age, they immediately shared that thought with the world…
Compilation of Reporters Getting Owned
This is a hilarious compilation of some of the best videos of reporters getting owned. I love it when people mess with these so called journalists…
Revenge of the cat
Someone wrote: “My cat bites me even when I am feeding him... if I didn't feed him, he'd probably rip my throat out in my sleep or something.”…
Cuba - USA migration is rising...
Flow of Cubans leaving by sea rising: U.S. The number of Cubans risking their lives to leave their communist-run country illegally by sea to reach the United States is rising, U.S. officials in Havana said on Thursday. Since October 1, 2007, 2,891 Cubans have tried to cross the Florida Straits; 1,697 made it to the United States and were allowed to stay while the U.S. Coast Guard intercepted 1,194 and sent them back. The U.S. officials said the figures showed that average Cubans had little faith that life would improve in the one-party socialist state under President Raul Castro, who succeeded his ailing brother Fidel Castro in February. "The numbers continue to rise. That's the response of the Cuban people," U.S. Interests Section chief Michael Parmly told foreign reporters. "So many of them are young people. Why do they want to leave?" The number of people attempting the risky voyage has risen by 21 percent compared to the same period last year. The number intercepted by the Coast Guard increased by 65 percent. Most Cubans now attempt the crossing in fast speed boats rather than the makeshift vessels seen in the past. Cuba has long accused Washington of encouraging Cubans to risk their lives at sea by offering the prize of almost automatic residency to those who make it ashore. U.S. officials say Cuba's lack of political freedom and economic stagnation drives its people to leave…
Rick rolling the Olympics
Nowhere is safe from Rick Astley…
Suicidal maniac hangs his little daughter off a rooftop
Even the Uganda adoption agency turned this guy away. What a shitty father…
Islam & religion
Intimidation and censorship are no answer to this inflammatory film. A Dutch politician's alarmist anti-Islam polemic needs to be taken apart and calmly answered. At the time of this writing, the dissemination on the worldwide web of the deliberately provocative anti-Islam film Fitna, made by the Dutch populist MP Geert Wilders, has not provoked violent protest on the scale of the Rushdie affair or the Danish cartoons. If things remain this way, that is progress of a kind…
Chain surfing
The latest urban sport…
Curling Is Awesome
I want some Canadian film maker to remake Big Lebowski, except have it be about curling. That'd be awesome…
Hit in the head with line-drive
This baseball pitcher had no time to react as the batter hit a screaming line drive (clocked at 100mph) back at the pitcher's head. This was painful to watch…
Reporter found and rescued kids
Viana Carelli and Faith Carelli rescued by reporter in Baja, returned to family in Soquel. Viana Carelli is back home with her grandparents. And she has San Diego's James Spring to thank. The reporter and adventurer did in two days what law enforcement hadn't been able to do in more than a month: Find the girl and her fugitive parents. Gene and Ellen Pauly of Soquel, Viana's grandparents, were all smiles at the San Jose airport Tuesday night. Gene Pauly had 6-year-old Viana alongside him, and Viana's infant sister. Faith in his arms. The girls had been living under the radar in Baja, Mexico, since late January. Spring, who had read about the missing girls and wanted to do something monumental to mark his 40th birthday, found the family in El Rosario, Mexico, Monday afternoon, contacted U.S. and Mexican authorities and arranged for the parents' apprehension. Richard Carelli and Michelle Pinkerton, both 38, are wanted for the murder of Leonard "Milo" Hoskins, 49. They killed Hoskins, one of their roommates in Mission Terrace, a San Francisco neighborhood, in late December and left his decomposing body in their van, according to police…
Insane footage of a car ramping at 136mph
It would've been more suspenseful if they had something there for him to clear. Like a nursery…
Hungarian Police Van Accident
If I was a cop and I had to drive such a stupid-looking van, I'd probably want to hit other cars too…
Improve Everywhere Pranks Random Little League Game
For their latest mission, the people at Improv Everywhere turn a random little league game into a major league event. This would be so awesome!
Chinese Light saber Battle
These Chinese women settle a dispute by battling it out with light-sabers. I don't know who to cheer for!
How angry Colombians deal with someone they don't like
It would suck to be that guy at the end. Mostly because being on fire sucks…
Stand-up comedian Bill Hicks
Bill Hicks… The Bad World. Comedy clip from Bill Hicks called 'The bad world' where he takes on Bush…
Guy fakes a seizure in public for a hundred bucks
Apparently shaking your keys in front of a seizing person's face is how you get them to snap out of it…
McCain's outreach tour
McCain's Outreach Tour. Going where Republicans fear to tread. How many points do you get for just showing up? John McCain will get an idea at the end of the month when he travels to venues where Republicans don't usually campaign. McCain is planning to speak in inner cities, heavily African-American sections of the South, and poor sections of Appalachia. Most of his stops will be in areas where voters have traditionally supported Democrats. "Obama talks about doing these things," says a McCain aide, "he just doesn't do them." With big acts of accessibility and reaching out beyond his party ranks, McCain hopes to show as well as tell that Obama's promises to do the same are empty. With this tour, McCain is trying something that has never really been tried before by a Republican presidential candidate…
Dude learns not to mess with the police
*Warning: very graphic* If anyone can translate this, please do. Otherwise, check out this guy with a hole in his head…
Stand-up comedian Carl Barron
Carl Barron Do you know the difference between 'hot' and 'hot hot' Carl Barron discusses the difference between ''hot'' and ''hot hot''…
Terry McAuliffe rides mechanical bull late night like a clown
Last night after the Elton John concert, Terry McAuliffe — the former DNC chair and current overlord of the Hillary Clinton for President committee — rode a fucking mechanical bull, according to a Wonkette mechanical bull operative. She says it was approximately 1 a.m. after the show at Johnny Utah's bar on West 51st St., "a place famous for having the only mechanical bull in Manhattan and for its regular bull riding challenges." Drunkest man alive? If anyone else was there, please let us know how long he lasted and send photos of him face down on the ground, spitting dirt…
Unlucky man gets drilled twice by a flipping racecar
Not to be confused with the other 900 videos of people getting hit by rally cars…
Redneck Deer Skinning
Tractors are so much faster than knives…
We crave privilege
This is a short interesting excerpt from Sagan's excellent book "Pale Blue Dot". His comment on the country bumpkins was amusing. Every once in a while, Carl Sagan would get in his jabs. He was clearly a level above the average person…
McCain coasts on
McCain Coasts on Illusion We Want to Believe: Margaret Carlson. April 11 (Bloomberg) -- As I was watching General David Petraeus being questioned in congressional hearings, I finally got why Senator John McCain has an even chance of being president in spite of supporting a war that most Americans are against. As he'd done so many times before, McCain said we can win if we just pull up our socks and banish our defeatism. ``We can now look ahead to the genuine prospect of success,'' he said, ensuring ``that the terrible price we have paid in the war, a price that has made all of us sick at heart, has not been paid in vain.'' Don't I wish? Don't we all? I don't buy his take on the war but, like half of America, I want to. Deep down, we can't accept limitations on our good intentions. We hate to hear that a military surge didn't produce a political surge that created a Jeffersonian democracy or some reasonable facsimile thereof. Another six months you say? OK. I'll buy the prospect that the next six months will be THE six months that makes all the months before worth it. Finally, the Iraqis won't be hell-bent on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, but will compromise, conciliate and share power and oil revenue with each other happily ever after. They will also build an army that won't flee when the shooting starts as it did recently in Basra. Compare this with the downer Democrats whining that we've blown it, that it all might be in vain; indeed, we're worse off than before we lost more than 4,000 lives, spent trillions of dollars, and left 35,000 soldiers maimed and brain-damaged for life. Just suck it up. McCain's optimism is seductive no matter the facts because Americans aren't good losers. It's not that we're sore losers. We're just not losers generally and have no practice at it. The reigning national philosophy is we can do anything if we just stick with it. Anyone who can shield us from the reality of losing is tapping into an abiding need that exists in poker, illness and war: As long as you don't fold your cards, turn off the respirator, withdraw your troops, you're still in the game. You haven't lost. Take Your Pick. There were among the pro- and anti-war protesters in the halls those who chanted ``John McCain, you're insane,'' but he may be crazy like a fox. Who do you prefer to hear: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who said last April that the war was lost or McCain saying victory is just a surge away. Forget that the sending of more U.S. troops to Iraq hasn't accomplished its goal of creating a functioning government and an independent army. McCain has bragging rights to having said the surge would work and has statistics to show it has. That buys him time for the other stuff. McCain is winning the propaganda battle over the war. When a generic Republican is put up against Clinton or Obama, the generic Republican loses. When the Republican is McCain, many polls show that he's winning…
Amy Winehouse vs. cabby
Amy Winehouse vs. cabby, via intercom. "Troubled" singer Amy Winehouse hasn't lost her sharp tongue or sparky wit, if this video is anything to go by…
The Ultimate Name
If you could choose the ultimate superhero name what would it be? I bet you that it can't beat this guys name!
Netanyahu - we won't be able to deter nuclear Iran...
Netanyahu: 'We won't be able to deter nuclear Iran' "Iran will be the first nuclear state in history against which deterrence won't work, even if the deterrent is nuclear," Likud chairman Binyamin Netanyahu said Wednesday at an international conference titled "Russia, the Middle East and the Challenge of Radical Islam." The conference was held at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem under the auspices of the center's Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies and the Eurasian Institute of the Inter-Disciplinary Center, Herzliya. "Nothing will stop the Iranians - not the use of force and not a fear of being hit in retaliation," he said, adding that "every Israeli withdrawal from territories it controls leaves room for Iranian terror to enter."
Netanyahu added that "if in the past, Hizbullah was a state within the state of Lebanon, it seems today that the government of Lebanon is a state within a Hizbullah stronghold." "In the last 30 years, we have been living in a world where Sunni extremists succeed in attacking targets in the Western world, while on the other hand, Shi'ite Iran is rapidly advancing to the point of no return in its nuclear aspirations," the Likud leader said. Regarding the conflict with the Palestinians, Netanyahu said there was "no chance that moderate factors in the Palestinian Authority will succeed in halting terror or replacing Israeli forces in securing the territory. Israel should ensure its safety on its own and provide Palestinians with the financial growth they aspire to, in order to create real peace partners."…
Special tires on a heavily modified jeep to drive across water
Iceland, special tires on a heavily modified jeep to drive across water…
Friday Night Dance Party
The reporters from Local 12 news in Cincinnati, Ohio decide to have a little dance party when there's no traffic to report…
If You Think Of It
Please do not think of a purple elephant or an orange zebra - or you may hurt this little bunny or dog. Oh don't worry, no animal was really harmed in this strange video (at least I hope not)...
Live leak - that's what it is...
Woman unawares she’s caught on cctv taking a pee outside pub…CCTV: London, this woman is totally unaware that her pissing escapades are caught on surveillance camera....what’s wrong with bog inside the pub?
Obama risks making bad name for himself...
Obama risks making bad name for himself. The best indicator of Republican John McCain's surprisingly strong presidential prospects in what should be a slam-dunk Democratic year is not his solid general-election poll numbers but rather the increasingly shrill attacks from Democrats. The latest was a grotesque slam from Barack Obama supporter Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV of West Virginia. In a newspaper interview in his home state, Rockefeller let loose this stinker: "McCain was a fighter pilot, who dropped laser-guided missiles from 35,000 feet. He was long gone when they hit. What happened when they get to the ground? He doesn't know. You have to care about the lives of people. McCain never gets into those issues." Never mind that laser-guided missiles hadn't been invented during the Vietnam war. Bombing is a part of warfare, and McCain was serving his country as have legions of other bomber airmen. Rockefeller smeared them all. One further point: McCain was a prisoner of war in Hanoi when U.S. planes bombed the city, on the orders of McCain's admiral father.
So wrong was this that Rockefeller not only quickly apologized, but his office also later made a point of saying that McCain had accepted his apology. For his part, Obama said nothing, but his campaign issued a statement that he "does not agree" with Rockefeller's remarks. The recent attacks could be written as standard political hardball in a hotly contested race. But, as McCain points out, Obama has promised a campaign of hope, free of the cynicism and divisive ugly politics of the past. True, good intentions tend to go by the wayside when you're battling for the most powerful job in the world. And the line between legitimate electioneering and reckless politics can be fuzzy. Still, all this does leave Obama looking a bit more like just another politician…
Martyrdom video shown in UK court
Martyrdom Video Shown in U.K. Court…Raw video: Allah "loves us to die and kill in his path" says a man who is accused of plotting to blow up passenger jets as part of an al Qaeda plot.The martyrdom video was shown to jurors in the United Kingdom today in the conspiracy trial of eight alleged plotters who hoped to use liquid explosives to blow up airplanes in the summer of 2006. The 19-minute video features 29-year-old Umar Islam speaking in English with a British accent as he praises Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Omar. A shorter four-minute version was released to the public by British authorities, while jurors watched the full-length video. Islam said no British citizen would be safe so long as the country is at war in Iraq and Afghanistan. "Most of you are too busy, you know, watching "Home and Away" and "Eastenders," complaining about the World Cup, drinking your alcohol, to even care about anything," Islam says…this is a dangerous and stupid kid…
Sherrif's deputy bachelor party with tasing, hazing duct tape...
Video of Knox County deputy's bachelor party shows tasing, hazing…A bachelor party last summer for a Knox County sheriff's deputy where the groom-to-be was shot with an electroshock weapon, handcuffed, hog-tied with duct tape, oiled and feathered, and paraded through downtown Camden strapped to a lawn chair on the back of a flatbed truck, is under investigation by Sheriff Donna Dennison…
Some girl wins the easiest million dollars ever
There's no way Bob Barker would've let this happen. Drew Carey's such a whore.
Ex-teacher gets 5 years in porn case
Ex-Teacher Gets 5 Years in Porn Case…A former Santa Fe High School teacher was sentenced Thursday to five years in prison for having child pornography. Mason, 48, was arrested March 13, 2007, after a student found his computer drive left in a computer lab, court records state…
Spitting vicar sacked
'Spitting vicar' sacked by bishop. A Church of England vicar accused of spitting at and intimidating his parishioners has been ordered to leave his Cambridgeshire post by his bishop…
IDF Airstrike On Cell Responsible For Nahal Oz Attack.
The Israeli Air Force launched several strikes on the Gaza Strip following Wednesday's attack on the Nahal Oz fuel terminal, which left two Israelis dead.This is footage of one of the strikes, which targeted two of the terrorist who were involved in the deadly assault…
Funny road rage
They take it out on each other's cars…
Suspended pastor had two girlfriends...
Suspended pastor's former girlfriend says church should not be so forgiving…The woman who dated the Rev. Richard Knight came forward after his suspension from the First Parish Church to tell her side of the story, saying she hopes it will prevent another woman from making the same mistake. The church suspended Knight for two months after a United Church of Christ Maine review found the pastor guilty of a "misuse of pastoral authority" for a relationship with a parishioner. Cyr said Knight had an affair with her and led her to believe they were going to be married — all while having a second affair with another woman. The second woman also spoke to the Herald for this story on the condition of anonymity. "We're talking two women he promised to marry," Cyr said. "She was not a member of the church, but it shows his type of integrity. Is that the type of man you want at your pulpit? He can't live the gospel, only preach it. To act as if (Rich) has done nothing wrong when he was discreet, deceptive, manipulative and unethical is wrong." The other woman confirmed her affair with Knight in a separate interview…
Pedophile claims he was molested by Bigfoot
Oh, well as long as he was molested by Bigfoot, doing little kids is okay…those molesters are such a nasty liars…they belong in jail or on the electric chair…to bring back some criminal memory…
Australia's first woman bishop
Our first woman bishop appointed. ONE of Australia's first Anglican women priests has shattered the stained-glass ceiling to become the nation's first woman bishop. Perth Archdeacon Kay Goldsworthy, 51, was today named as an assistant bishop, to be consecrated on May 22. The unanimous decision was made by Perth Archbishop Roger Herft and his diocesan council last night in the wake of an agreement reached this week between Australia's Anglican bishops on a protocol to handle opponents of women bishops.
Under the protocol, parishes that cannot in good conscience recognize the ministry of a woman bishop will be offered the services of a male bishop…
Labels: again our beautiful and very huge collection of Amazing, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues for you… ;), For April 11 2008, Funny, some Insane, weird
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