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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

For 27 February 08, beautiful, huge collection, Amazing, Funny, Weird, Insane, Bizarre, Cruel Serious, Issues for you… ;)

On Wednesday our beautiful new postings to restore the vitality of your brain after half a week in the office ;) Yes here is our Linkbox24 again. Today with a big collection of new links, with some beautiful clips…a few news issues, of which I hope you’ll appreciate them too… ;)

To love
To Love by Ofer Rubin Music Video about a man and his dog…

she’s staying close to herself…

Linkbox24 is the place to visit for anyone, send our link to your friends ;) It is a place to advertise too. But not with annoying pop-ups or articles no one should want to buy: Only the best firms and products, the new creative inventions or services could have a banner or a posting here. Either if you want to expose and sell some art or antiques, write me if you’ll like that ;) Or search through our huge archives for more beautiful and Amazing, Funny, weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues. In that goldmine of links must be something very special and precious for you too ;)

Windmill out of control
Windmil out of control Run away windmill collapses during a storm in Denmark, 22.02.08 Windmill on Texel Dutch Isle exploded

Hijab Hillary mrs Clinton wears Muslim clothing
Will the shameful photographs of Democrats wearing “race clothing” ever end? Probably not! Here’s a picture of Hillary wearing the traditional Muslim wife’s “hijab,” which is just one letter away from “jihad.” What terrible opponent is leaking this smear photo on the Internets? The William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library, that’s who!

Dual waterspouts chase boat
Apparently, when a tornado is over water it’s not called a tornado its called a waterspout. If you call it a tornado over water thousands of people will get pissed off…

Cell phone wallpaper
Create animated cell phone wallpaper with your text on it. Quick. Easy. Absolutely free…

Stand-up comedian Terry Clement
Terry Clement Hulk Hogan vs Machoman Comedy clip from Terry Clement called 'Hulk Hogan vs Machoman' where he sets up a fight between Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage…

McCains step by step anti-Obama strategy
Time magazine’s Mark Halperin offered an interesting list today: a 16-point guide on what, in Halperin’s opinion, John McCain’s campaign can do to tear Barack Obama down. As Halperin sees it, McCain’s campaign is “staffed with savvy, experienced operatives who have closely watched the rise of Obama, and they have learned from Clinton’s failure to take down her Democratic rival.” The ways McCain can beat Obama that Clinton cannot...

Couple fire-fighters struggle with hose
A couple firefighters get blasted when trying to contain a runaway hose…

Dead on Tony Soprano impression
This guy does a dead on Tony Soprano impression…

Star Wars according to 3 year old
This cute little 3 year old girl provides her own account of Star Wars. I especially like the "obi-kenobi" part…

Trailer for The Fall
This is the trailer for The Fall, directed by Tarsem Singh and “presented” by Spike Jonze and David Fincher…

Stand-up comedian Neil Delamere
Neil Delamere Writing letters to the Hilton. Comedy clip from Neil Delamere called 'Writing letters to the Hilton' who tell us about wanting a baby…

McCain has edge over Democrats
McCain has edge over Democrats. As he emerges from a sometimes- bitter primary campaign, presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain poses a stiff challenge to either of his potential Democratic opponents in the general election, a new Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll has found. The findings underscore the difficulties ahead for Democrats as they hope to retake the White House during a time of war, with voters giving McCain far higher marks when it comes to experience, fighting terrorism and dealing with the situation in Iraq. Both Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton have made ending America's involvement in the war a centerpiece of their campaigns. And even though a clear majority of those polled said the war was not worth waging, about half of registered voters said McCain -- a Vietnam vet who has supported the Bush administration's military strategy -- was better able to deal with Iraq.In head-to-head contests, the poll found, McCain leads Clinton by 6 percentage points (46% to 40%) and Obama by 2 points (44% to 42%). Neither lead is commanding given that the survey, conducted Feb. 21-25, has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. The Arizona senator is viewed favorably by 61% of all registered voters, including a plurality of Democrats…

Monkey scared mirror reflection
A cute monkey is terrified after seeing the reflection of his face in a mirror…

Vines -time-lapse
This is an interesting video showing this twining vine growing and circling around and around as if it actually did have a mind and wanted to grab on to something.
Morning glory vines do grow very fast, reaching 10 feet or more two months after seeds sprout, and they will climb on just about any support…

News ambush
Ambush at Channel 5: One TV type gets a dose of her own hidden-camera-style investigation and finds it "uncool"

High Speed Ladder Climb
To say this was fast would be the understatement of the century…

Bush predicts GOP will hold
Bush predicts GOP will hold White House President Bush predicted Monday that voters will replace him with a Republican president who will "keep up the fight" in Iraq. "I'm confident we'll hold the White House in 2008," Bush told donors at the Republican Governors Association annual dinner, which raised a record $10.6 million for GOP gubernatorial candidates…

Double front flip-dunk goes bad
Some dude tries a double front flip dunk off a trampoline but hits the jump way to hard and wipes out on the rim…

Cutting trees with a minigun
Cutting Trees With a Minigun - Kari Byron fires the Dillon M134DMythbusters Kari Byron mows down a tree with a minigun…

Montage of 3D ground art
This videos is a montage of amazing 3D ground art on the pavement mostly using just chalk. Check out more Optical Illusions here…

Earth is flat ???
Proof: The Earth is Flat… Koran Science?

David Blaine street magic 4
The fourth installment from the classic "David Blaine Street Magic" series. He's back to terrify his two favorite spectators…

Real life butt-head
Relax - it's not real. Although the kid with an ass for a face did attract quite a few curious onlookers…

Treadmill handstand
Treadmill Handstand Face-plant. This is, what we like to call in the 'net business, a "monumental fail."

Where in the world is Osama bin Laden - trailer
Where In the World Is Osama Bin Laden? If Morgan Spurlock has learned anything from over 30 years of movie-watching, it’s that if the world needs saving, it’s best done by one lone man willing to face danger head on to take it down, action hero style. So, with no military experience, knowledge or expertise, he sets off to do what the CIA, FBI and countless bounty hunters have failed to do: find the world’s most wanted man. Why take on such a seemingly impossible mission? Simple-he wants to make the world safe for his soon to be born child. But before he finds Osama bin Laden, he first needs to learn where he came from, what makes him tick, and most importantly, what exactly created bin Laden to begin with…

Wheel of misfortune
Wheel of Misfortune "I'd like to buy a expletive."

Bike stunt in Iran
Awesome bike stunt in Iran Iran…

Giant Bicycle
You need a parachute in case you fall off…

The Coolest Slow-mo Technology Out There Get to know the world’s most detailed slow camera: 80x slower! At this speed, everything looks like magic…

How not to land a jet
Landing an expensive corporate jet on a short runway with a lake at the end of it might not be a good idea. Also not a good idea: restarting the engines on your sinking jet…

Muhammad the Perfect Example
Muhammad the Perfect Example This is a promo clip from Geert Wilder's new movie "Forbidden", which challenges the qur'an. It is the reason Pakistan recently blocked the video sharing site, YouTube…

Bill Walton looks scary in short-shorts...
Add yet another Movie that ESPN has worked into it's programming. It was Die Hard 4 back in June, but they've been turning to Sports movies as of late. We got Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and The Gameplan last go around, but now we can add Semi Pro to that ever growing list. I think I'm at the point in my life where I can't take anymore Will Ferrell. The dude is everywhere and his schtick has just gotten stale. With that said, I will probably still see the movie and laugh my ass off. Oh and Bill....please retire those shorts…

Gary Busey Oscar-interruption
I am not sure what Gary Busey was doing at the Oscars this evening, but he made sure that the good folks at E!, especially Ryan Seacrest, knew that he deserved some camera time. He interrupted an interview between Seacrest, Jennifer Garner, and Laura Linney. Busey went on to give a very annoyed looking Garner a bear hug and a kiss. I think in the future the Oscars might ban Busey along with Paris Hilton…

JDAM 500 Pound Bomb Dropped In Abu Faris - Iraq
We use to call this a “Close Call"

Really stupid boxer can't get in the ring
"Stupid boxer for some reason don't even know how to go in and out of the ring properly. The weird thing is that this guy actually won the match."

Britney squeals like a pig
This chick has a unique, if not weird, talent - she can squeal like a pig. It kind of sounded like one long belch. Why does this remind me of Deliverance?

Raw Video: Cameraman Gets Caught in Grass Fire
A sudden change in wind direction left a TV news cameraman in the middle of a massive grass fire in Hale County, Texas…

How lazy people walk the dog
This seems like an interesting idea. If your remote control car has a long enough range, you may be able to get it to walk your dog. This dog seems content on following his mechanical master…

Top-10 most outrageous moments transporter
Top 10 Most Outrageous Moments from "The Transporter" Film Series…

Bad towing job
Epic failure by the tow truck driver…

Bear vs. beer
Never go into bear country without your Bud Light…

The most annoying toy in the world
The perfect Christmas gift!! For a family and kids you don’t like…???

Little dude picks fight with cabbie
The whole time I watched this I wanted this little punk to get his ass kicked so bad but unfortunately it never happens…

Man skiing in Romania gets a very painful surprise
Maybe building perpendicular ski courses wasn't such a good idea after all…

Video Aired Of British Hostage In Iraq,
An Arabic TV channel has aired a video claiming to show one of five Britons captured in Iraq eight months ago. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has criticized the footage…

Dark -art of Zdzislaw Beksinski
Somber music attends this montage of paintings by Zdzisław Beksiński. Zdzisław Beksiński (February 24, 1929 – February 21, 2005) was a renowned Polish painter, photographer, and fantasy artist. His first paintings were abstract art, but throughout the 1960s he made his surrealist inspirations more visible. In the 1970s, he entered what he himself called his "fantastic period", which lasted up to the late 1980s. This is his best-known period, during which he created very disturbing images, showing a surrealistic, post-apocalyptic environment with very detailed scenes of death, decay, landscapes filled with skeletons, deformed figures and deserts…

Crying XBox baby
Damn, this baby takes his XBox gaming a little too seriously...

Painful swing set jump
10 out of 10 if you meant to do that!

Car vs. motorcycle
This is why you don't fool around on motorcycles. Especially not on narrow roads with blind curves…

Rather Odd Pool Shot
A chicken attempts to get all the balls in!

From living room to inferno in - under - 2 minutes
From Living Room To Inferno In Under 2 Minutes. In this fire test watch a furnished room go from small fire to flashover; the point at which everything, including the smoke itself, ignites. The temperatures in this room reach over 930 degrees Fahrenheit in less than two minutes -- even more reason to get out of a burning building as quickly as possible!

Shut the window
Guy goes through the car wash and his window opens but wont go back up again. It must have been bloody freezin!

Lawn mower DUI
Riding Lawn Mower DUI Arrest And you guys complain we never show cops doing a good job…

Roof jump does not go well
This guy attempts to jump from a roof to what looks like the top of a shed. Not his best work…

Dairy queen flamethrower
This is a hilarious Dairy Queen Flamethrower commercial that aired during the SuperBowl that depicts people inhaling while they talk to avoid shooting flames out of their mouths from that hot burger…

The essence of Orange county
Like, I live in Los Angeles, and like, it's so like, annoying. This is so, like, true…

Paris Hilton fans...
Paris Hilton made an appearance at Macy's in South County to promote her new perfume. Hundreds of anxious fans lined up to meet the celebrity…

120 seconds of fun
A funny collection of painful moments.

Man in Moscow gets crushed by his own vehicle
How the hell did he get out from under that thing? Clearly he must have a fat wife…

Ultimate video game weapon
Anyone who's a big fan 1st person shoot-em-up video games will get a laugh out of this. This weapon always wins!

Backyard wrestling
Guy is thrown from the top of a truck but it doesn't go as planned…

Quick yet eventful fight on the street
Good job, you both got a great shot in. Now go back to contributing absolutely nothing to society…

Helicopter nose wheel hung...
Two-Legged Super Stallion This CH-53E has a hung nose wheel. To correct the problem the pilot lands on the two back wheels and pitches the airframe back (without rolling away) to make room for the ground crew to get underneath the aircraft to free the nosegear. Impressive…

Brutal kick to the face knocks a fighter into convulsions
He's either going into convulsions or dreaming about running away from a rabid wolf. Either way, sucks to be him…

The seven nastiest illegal knockouts of all time
As this video shows, testicle-punching used to be perfectly legal in the UFC. Though MMA is a bit more civilized now, accidents still happen. These are our favorite 'accidents' in MMA history…

The Gallon Challenge
Apparently it's impossible to drink a whole gallon in one sitting. This guy takes on the challenge! (1 Gallon = 3.7 Litres)…

Gangster gets hit by a car after a deadly shooting
He actually drove all the way to Mexico with that guy on his hood…

Woman Sets Herself on Fire
What started out as fun and frolic ended up in fire and fury…

Girl sews her tongue
She sews a heart into her tongue... You know how much it hurts when you bite your tongue well imgane shoving needles through it. This is a tough one to watch. Man, some people…

Disturbing aftermath of a young girl who hanged herself
*Warning: VERY disturbing* Well, I WAS happy that today's hump day. Now I'm just depressed….

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