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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

On Tuesday a great collection of Amazing, Funny, Weird, and some Insane or Cruel links, all here for you ;)

Tuesday links

Funny group of kittens
Again, this sweet looking group of kittens sitting on a desk are moving their heads the same way, following one spot! Looks funny and sweet! ;)

English lessons
See if you can keep from laughing at this man ;)

Peter Griffin - Burger King -
This is based on that old internet clip someone made a while back with that song playing while some Burger King employee sings it; great voice for it ;)

Bush -stop doing this s**t-
Bush; 'Stop Doing This S**t' and he’s making a simple but very right comment on the increasing warfare in the Middle East of last weeks. His text could be better but he’s right ;)

Puritans to Prohibition
Fun Facts about Alcohol in Colonial America (Those Puritans are double minded in law and behaviour) ;)

Guide to computer pranks -how to freak-
A Guide to Computer Pranks - How to Freak Your Friends Out… if you ever whish to do so think twice, are this ‘your friends’ are you a friend for them? ;)

Perfect underwater bubble rings
How does this guy do this? Does anyone know the trick behind this, tell it to us and we keep it secret (maybe) ;)

Your name in hieroglyphs
Write Like an Egyptian: your name in hieroglyphs, the way an Egyptian scribe might have written it ;)

Anyone online in France
France gets poorest citizens online for €1 a day. A EURO does not buy much in France these days, not even an espresso in a Paris pavement café. But for 1.2m of France’s poorest citizens, E1 ($1.28, £0.69) a day will pay for not only a broadband connection but also the PC to go with it…I see some French ‘clochards’ (homeless people) in the future, with a laptop begging in the streets for food and drinking money, a matter of French priority I guess ;)

Cool pen computer
This looks a gadget and maybe like a kid’s toy but it is far from it.... I can't think of a single time where this would come in handy, but it's so damn cool that I guess a lot of you want one anyway ;)

Ken Lay is still alive, they believe...
Kenneth Lay died, but many don't believe it: One Web site is hawking "Ken Lay Lives" T-shirts. And a posting to Dilbert creator Scott Adams' blog says quote: "Some people will go to any lengths required to escape the joint. Besides, he is not hanging out with Elvis. He's writing songs with Jim Morrison." ;(

Lineage 2 elf vs. Dark elf
The game coming in November 2006: Lineage 2 Chronicle 5 Oath of Blood, if you are a gamer, you’ll have to see this one too ;)

The mole remover
This is a great way to get rid of those moles in your back yard, cruel for that little animals but funny to view ;)

Bush Sunday
George Bush - Sunday Bloody Sunday, yes again a clip making funny faces of the US president ;)

Again- Noah's ark
Flood of claims for 'Noah's Ark' Legendary vessel of Genesis story goes from nowhere to everywhere. Last month, headlines screamed that a Texas team of archaelogists believed they had possibly located the biblical boat in Iran. But hang on to the "Hallelujah!" chorus a little longer. There are numerous claims about the final resting place, from Ararat to Armenia. With modern technology and digital photography being utilized in the hunt, it seems like everyone is finding what they think is Noah's Ark ;)

Ed is the greatest sidekick
Magazine Names Ed McMahon Greatest Sidekick; Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's the greatest sidekick of all time: Ed McMahon. Sorry Bert, Ernie says, 'Try again next year.' In the history books as a sidekick now ;)

Aerospace update
Back to Back Rocket Shots Set for New Mexico Spaceport ;)

Arrested for asking for directions
This couple was on the way back from an Orioles game, and they stopped to ask for directions because they got lost. Not only did the cop car who passed by not help them find their way out of the neighbourhood, but the cop arrested the both of them ;(

Jesus camp hates Harry Potter
Jesus Camp hates Harry Potter! Fundamentalism does something strange with the rationality in the brains of people I guess….;(

Like an angel
Is a Hercules showing its defence??? Strange images of that plane but it’s a nice movie, worth to view ;)

Smart vs. Benz
It looked like the smart caused more damage to the Benz ;)

Disasters and accidents
Compilation of just about everything that’s going horribly wrong ;)

Tigress attacks elephant and man
Mother tiger upset about the presence of intruders near her cubs, lashes out and attacks an elephant and a man, kind of good parenting, but very scary for that guy ;)

Nose arm bite
Psycho Who had shat and pissed himself breaks a cop’s nose ;(

Gunman gets shot from behind
Don’t know the details of this clip (who it is, where it is, when, etc), but it appears that a gunman gets shot in the back as he passes by, a moron is finished with his insane behaviour ;)

Suicidal woman takes a hostage at knifepoint
It takes a coward to kill yourself and even more of a coward to have the cops doing it for you she was asking for it and got what she wanted ;(

Disgruntled employee tapes a shotgun to co-workers head
This is exactly why anytime you’ll start a new job; find the creepiest loser there and offer him your lunch. Because when that day comes that he finally snaps, it probably won't be your head getting a shotgun taped to it. Except you take a very bad lunch from home that day ;(


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