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Sunday, July 16, 2006

On Sunday really great collection of new Amazing, Funny, Weird, and some Insane or Cruel links, all here for you ;)

Sunday links

A wonderful version of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah; by four Norwegian guys ;)

Bible quotes
Super fantastic bible quotes. Scary Bible Quotes by God Edited with an introduction by Michael Huemer. Translation: New International Version. You see there are enough strange texts in the bible that Christians could read as stimulation for their fundamentalism ideas. But we are glad the most of them know nowadays, you shouldn’t follow these ridiculous guidelines, because it was all written in ancient times in totally different circumstances. Funny to read though ;)

Dad misses open shot
Well, this guy pulled a pretty sweet move on his kid but still couldn’t seal the deal as he misses the wide open shot.

Manipulated smoke art, is this art, I guess yes, these photographs are Art, view them they are beautiful ;)

Mind of Mencia
Mind of Mencia – rant about Fat and Stupid people, with his big mouth about fat people while he isn’t very slim him selves, he’s hilarious sometimes ;)

Why we're fat
Your A/C is Making You Fat: why we‘re fat; Five reasons you haven't thought of. Maybe you got the answers on Mencia here above ;)

Crusher robot
Video of the crusher robot: A new robot rolls, and a new prize is set. Both the Stanford and Carnegie Mellon teams have indicated that they intend to sign up for this next great push in mobile robotics. More: Project crusher and an Article about crusher project if you like the development of motor vehicle technique, its worth to view this links here ;)

Black hole
Just a trailer for a movie which should make us curious, I don’t know why this trailer should attract the public…do you? ;)

What's wrong in Iraq...?
Finally someone figured out what is wrong with Iraq. Why all the violence in Iraq? Why are people being killed? What causes sectarian clashes between Sunnis and Shiites? One Iraqi official has figured it out. According to the Iraq's speaker of parliament, we should just blame the Israeli people behind all the trouble. Read this article too blame the Jews. And read the article and analysis here below….(yes and Adolph Hitler was a Jew either…a ridiculous text either) ;(

New turmoil empowers Islamists
Analysis: New turmoil empowers Islamists. Although Hezbollah is considered to be a terrorist organization by the United States and by Israel, it is regarded as a heroic resistance movement by most of the Arab world. Now once again a gross miscalculation in foreign policy is being made by Israel. Israel's knee-jerk reaction following the kidnapping of their two soldiers by Hezbollah is not going to turn Lebanese public opinion against the militant Shiite organization, as Israel hopes. In fact, it's quite the opposite that is likely to occur. If they don’t stop this turmoil in that area soon, this is going to cost a lot of victims more in that area, especially under the innocent people, who wanted to go on with their lives and did that the last decade ;(

It's a maze Jim, Star Trek creation...
It's a maze Jim, but not as we know it: A British fan of the cult TV show "Star Trek" has boldly gone where no man has gone before and created a giant maize maze dedicated to the program. That’s what we call the kind of real fan of Star Trek ;)

Jason Jones - emotional weatherman -
The Emotional Weatherman.. I am glad he isn’t on TV here ;)

UFO conference
The 37th Annual UFO Convention; the 37th annual Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) symposium is being held July 14-16 in nearby Denver, attracting throngs of believers, the downright curious—as well as upright sceptics and debunkers ;)

Rubber Duck's
Photographs of all kind of Rubber duck’s, someone’s collection probably, presented to you as an art gallery ;)

Thief robbed judge
Suspected thief robs judge at own trial. BERLIN (Reuters) - A 61-year-old German on trial for theft got himself into more trouble when he stole from the judge during his court hearing, police said on Thursday, that age (61) and still such a moron ;(

Old woman gets knocked out by a soccer ball
Get in the game or get the hell off the field, Grandma. She drops like a sack of potatoes, sorry grandma but a laugh escaped here ;)

Prosthetic fishing rod
Prosthetic Fishing Rod, great help from dad for his boy, I love that kind of fathers, I guess he’s a great parent for this boy ;)

Wiping out at 260kph
This driver starts to lose control of his car at about 300kph. He is able to slow down slightly but loses control at about 260kph. The car is absolutely totalled in the end and the dude walks away with barely a scratch, a lucky day at last ;(

Strange beat boxing dog
Just a kind of funny homework of someone ;)

Custom bicycles
Custom Bikes; Founded in 1998, Bike Rod & Custom is the World-Wide Webzine devoted to the needs and interests of Bicycle Customize and the many appreciators of Custom, Chopper, and Hot-Rod bicycles as a creative activity ;)

Nick Thune phone tag
And speaking of creepy stalkers here's a short film from our friend comedian Nick Thune, featuring the G4 TV hottie Olivia Munn. Nick plays a guy trying to win back his girlfriend through phone messages... at least he's not looking for $50 ;(

Ocean rescue
These people are stuck in a nasty storm on their boats…

Which is the brake?
This video shows exactly why old people don't belong behind the wheel, throw away the keys please ;(

Press charges bitch
Guy gets tasered by bully cop and screams like a little girl ;(

Cops abuse a suspect
This cop must've missed his morning donut because he delivers a savage beat-down to a barely-resisting teenager for no good reason (He resisted his arrest, but the violence of these cops was not professional) ;(


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