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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

For Thursday our Amazing, Funny, Weird, and some Insane or Cruel links here for you, have a fine day; I am too soon (today) with the new links, ;)

A penny for your thoughts
An energy company shuts off an old lady’s power off for owing them one cent. Yes just one penny. She paid the whole bill for 1600, - dollar, but was one penny short. The company decided to cut the electric off until she was paid in full. One full blown penny! Crazy cash-management in that company ;( (Banners NSFW)

Call of Duty 3 E3 2K6 trailer
Call of Duty 3 continues the series of World War II shooters from Infinity Ward and Activision, see this one ;)

Opening Scene of the Transporter 2
Frank Martin (Jason Statham) is too cool for words. The Transporter movies got bad ratings, but I thought they were great and see this one too ;)

Get the rope
All he had to do was cut the rope and then grab it I hope he’s allright maybe searching for another job? ;)

Invention of human cannonballs
Ejector Seat Device Can Fire a Human from the Street to Rooftop in a Single BoundThe old circus trick of firing a person from cannon is being considered by the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as a way to get Special Forces, police officers and fire fighters onto the roofs of tall buildings in a hurry, in the near future: real stuntmen wanted for that jobs… ;)

Silly prop. Go befor it's to late, (or lets go visist the parliament before its all fake, or is it jet already? ;)

Vanuatu Tower Leaps
Again: These extreme people jump from this tall tower. It's 'culture' but here we can see that a lot of so called culture is in fact a very strange behaviour of a group of people ;) (Banners NSFW)

What a beautiful world
What a Beautiful World, photographs you must see ;)

Wheelchair miracle
It's a miracle! Disabled woman gets up and runs from cops: A wheelchair-bound Los Angeles woman, who has repeatedly filed lawsuits over access for the disabled, got up and ran after police arrested her for fraud, authorities said on Thursday; yes it’s a miracle when she could stay out of prison ;(

Saved by bra and seatbelt
Woman's Seatbelt, Bra Strap Deflects Bullet: A 44-year-old woman escaped serious injury from a gunshot Sunday thanks to her seat belt and a thick bra strap, authorities said. This is a real miracle ;)

Great athletic skills and a lot of physical energy ;)

Job interview tips
Job Interview Tips for Recent College Grads, I don’t need this advice anymore ;)

Running backwards but Still Getting out the Door: Sometimes you just wish something interesting would happen when you're getting ready for your day in the morning. Wouldn't it be neat if you could reach for stuff and have it jump into your hand? Just once? Oh yeah, I think it would ;)

A Romanian commercial
Funny sheep herder...watch and laugh ;)

Religion and science
Creationism dismissed as 'a kind of paganism' by Vatican's astronomer. BELIEVING that God created the universe in six days is a form of superstitious paganism, the Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno claimed yesterday. "Religion needs science to keep it away from superstition and keep it close to reality, to protect it from creationism, which at the end of the day is a kind of paganism - it's turning God into a nature god. And science needs religion in order to have a conscience, to know that, just because something is possible, it may not be a good thing to do." ;)

T 90 S
Main russian battle tank. Counts as one of the bests tanks in the world, I hope they don’t sell this tools to the wrong guy’s ;)

Lazy Ramadi
US Army spoof of Lazy Sunday, not the most clever or funny movie the guy's could make, did,'t they had some job to do? ;( (Banners NSFW)

Jet engine powered truck
Jet Engine Powered Semi Truck: Triple the horse power of a Dodge Viper. This thing hauls ass!

Cheating mechanics?
Is your mechanic cheating? Joel Grover reports on his investigation in to Jiffy Lube shots in the Southland ;(

Baby fart
The cutest baby-fart again here ;)

Flash Puzzle
NFCTD Flash Puzzle - Click on the appropriate parts of the illustration, and you can proceed to the next one ;)

Microsoft Brick
Microsoft drops a brick on reseller, literally, the poor company has to defend theme selves ;)

Man laws
I especially like the 'you poke it you own it rule' (Banners NSFW)

Officer wounded by board
Officer gets a 9 Foot Board through his Chest (Banners NSFW)

Don't feed the Dog
The vet said not to feed the dog anything that's not on the diet sheet. Disgusting ;( (Banners NSFW)


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