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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

On Wednesday our Amazing, Funny, Weird, and some Insane or Cruel links here for you, have a fine day; I am nearly everyday here for the new links ;)

Did you do that?
The mouse on a string trick, hilarious reaction of a woman, that’s what the prankers waited for, Ha ha ;)

This baby got moves
See this little kid, is it a talent or not? ;)

Motor Cycle Mania
First 5, then 7 guys race their bikes inside a 16 foot steel globe; unbelievable, busy I the globe the guys need all their skills ;)

Hot air balloons
If you have a big party and would like the attention for that fact of everyone in town, buy a big balloon like these ones here ;)

Adrenaline in full
Crazy bungee jump of a cliff, it’s a scary experience and good for a big shot of natural adrenaline ;)

Bas Rutten and his sound effects
This clip made me laugh, he got the knowledge, ha ha ;)

Ayaan Hirsi Ali faces loss of Dutch Citizenship
A Critic of Muslim Intolerance Faces Loss of Dutch Citizenship: The Dutch government on Monday abruptly threatened to revoke the citizenship of one of the country's most prominent members of Parliament, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali-born woman who arrived as a refugee 14 years ago. This is weird, because the terrorist murderer of Theo van Gogh, the insane killer who threatens to kill Hirsi Ali too, has still his Dutch and Moroccan Citizenship both! (on this site you have to register to read the article ;)

Life in the farm
Funny moments in farm life for the animals, and the kids ;)

Building an airplane in the air
Building a plane while you are in air, is it a mission impossible? ;)

I mr. mannequin take thee ms. mannequin
What?! Two mannquins have gotten married. There were 100 guests. Any kids in their future? This is one of the weirdest weddings I've EVER seen!

Electronic supersonic
Elektronik Supersonik by Zladko "Zlad" Vladcik
This music video is Molvania's entry to the Eurovision Song Contest. Ha ha. Ok, it's a spoof. But it's still great to watch! Zlad describes this wonderful masterpiece as "a melodic fusion combining hot disco rhythms with cold war rhetoric" outrageous ;)

Mercedes Beast
Man does this car have a lot of power it has a real beast underneath the bonnet, weird commercial, nice car ;)

Anaconda uses mans arm as a snack
I guess it was only a starter; this snake could easy eating the whole guy ;)

11 terms
Insane Car Chase - Eleven Life Terms ;(

Bad Motorcycle Crash
A kid tries to pull a high speed wheelie on the street but loses control of the bike. Listen to the comment from one of the bystanders as his buddy tumbles down the street…

How to jump the wall of China
Here an example how you could do that too ;)

Chris Daughtry sings 'Renegade'
The best Idol contestant ever, Chris Daughtry was given the boot last week because everyone figured he'd be safe. So, here he is singing Renegade - cool performance ;)

Clerk smashed in the face with a fire extinguisher
The days of using a gun to rob a store are probably over….All the cool criminals are using fire extinguishers, like this crazy guy, nasty dumb sucker ;(

Female store clerk shoots a robber, she let him take the money first but than she gives him some fast pay-back with a few bullets ;)

Hot banana
Banana man Learns not to play with Fire, the hard way… this is a perverted brainless totally insane sucker ;(

Pit-stop fire
That is dangerous. You have to be carefull when filling gas, very carefull indeed ;(

No mercy fireworks
No Mercy Dumb fun with Fireworks, another couple of totally insane perverted brainless guys who probably are in love with very painfully and nasty experiments, they have to go immediately for psychiatric help

Imax the atom bomb
This is a short video about the use of the ATOM Bomb and its efffect. The real heavy stuff with it’s very destroying powers ;(

Airline trouble
Steve-O Here:Boy, do I ever have a sweet f*@!*#%! Clip for you guys. I'm not allowed to commercialize this footage, what I'm doing is "leaking" it. It's something that happened in 2003 that finally caught up to me, cost me a shit ton in legal fees, and culminated in the harshest fine that can be imposed for what I did on this airplane. Make sure you go to my website, there's more there, and you may be wind up on television over it. It's www.steveovideo.com let's see how many hits I can get on my site today. Thanks, in advance, now, enjoy this clip of me getting myself in deep ass shit:Yeah, Dudes! ;(

Sex without a condom 'not likely'
Men will say anything to avoid wearing a rubber. This guy is an expert at coming up with reasons to go bareback. Some of them might even be true ;( (NSFW)


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