For May 09, a beautiful, huge collection, Amazing, Funny, Weird, Insane, Bizarre, Cruel Serious, Issues for you… ;)
On Friday our beautiful new postings for the weekend for you…to push the vitality of your brain ;) tell your boss it will help him too ;) Enough to read, listen and view for you too…Yes here is our Linkbox24 again. Today again with a very big collection of new links, with some beautiful clips…a few news issues, of which I hope you’ll appreciate them too… ;)
Warhol in 2 minutes
Warhol in 2 Minutes by Aaron Singer This was my first experiment in After Effects freshman year in college. Enjoy! My advice Click on this one it’s worth it ;)
Is it more then you want if someone is redundant?...;)
Linkbox24 is the place to visit for anyone, send our link to your friends ;) It is a place to advertise too. But not with annoying pop-ups or articles no one should want to buy: Only the best firms and products, the new creative inventions or services could have a banner or a posting here. Either if you want to expose and sell some art or antiques, write me if you’ll like that ;) Or search through our huge archives for more beautiful and Amazing, Funny, weird, some Insane, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues. In that goldmine of links must be something very special and precious for you too… ;)
Homeless James Bond Part 2
Bond. Vagabond. Homeless 007 is back again…
Wil Wheaton about Hillary Clinton...
Wil Wheaton says, "Don't be a dick!" Hillary Clinton: the psycho ex-girlfriend of the democratic party…Wil Wheaton: Just A Geek not one sentence worth and quality enough to comment here as a serious article…
Goose Throwdown
Canada goose thinks he owns this boat... this insane Canadian Goose attacks a man and his dog while fishing on his boat. It even chased them as they sped off…
Unable to breath, men performs self-tracheotomy
Unable To Breathe, Man Performs Self-Tracheotomy "I was scared to death. I was thinking about dying." An Omaha man saved a life, his own life by getting the courage to turn a knife on himself and perform a tracheotomy. Steve Wilder has faith in God and after a near death experience last week he has a lot of faith in himself. "I was scared to death. I was thinking about dying." Just after midnight, Wilder found himself in a dead sleep. Dead because he woke up and couldn't breathe, his air passage swollen shut "It just blocked all the way and I just got up and I panicked!" The 55-year-old Wilder, who didn't think he had time to call and wait for help, faced an unimaginable choice. Either lie there and suffocate to death or take matters into his own hands with a steak knife."Got a knife and located it and pushed in and blood went gush.” Blood was gushing out, but air was gushing in. Wilder was successful at performing a self-tracheotomy. "I think I closed my eyes, but fear or something took over. I didn't feel no pain or nothing." Surgeons train for years to do what took Wilder only moments, though it wasn’t an entirely new experience. He had throat cancer several years ago, which is where his breathing problems originated. The same thing happened some years back, so he grabbed a steak knife and went to work. Article with video…
Amazing Young Guitar Player
Following in the footsteps of other Asian musical prodigies this kid is pretty awesome at guitar. I am jealous…
Mother's Day Blunders
Brother show their love by taking a digital Mothers Day Card…
I'm Pressing Charges!!!
A conflict arises on a train and this lovely and not at all crazy young woman uses her indoor voice to calmly and rationally find a resolution to the problem. I'm pressing charges!!!
Screaming Frog
This frog sounds like a cat in heat…
Flight of The Bumble Bees
Jose Feliciano the incredible blind guitarist plays this at 20 years old on a 1966 tv show. He even keeps going when he loses his pick. Incredible…
Obama vs. McCain: Let's get it on...
Obama vs. McCain: Let's Get It On…Barack Obama, the first "postracial candidate," is heading to the Democratic nomination almost entirely because of his near-universal support from black voters in the Democratic primaries. In both states Tuesday, his share of that vote was 90% or more. If one resets the black vote to the norm of earlier elections, Hillary Clinton is the nominee. The idea that Obama was a postracial politician dates to his famous keynote speech at the Democratic Convention in 2004. He set the postracial template himself in the speech's third sentence, describing his father born in a small Kenyan village, herding goats, etc. His mother was "born in a town on the other side of the world, in Kansas." Obama moves them and validates their commitment to the Democratic idea. Shelby Steele described the force even Hillary can't match in these pages last March: Race lifts the Obama candidacy "to the level of allegory. . . . Because he is black, there is a sense that profound questions stand to be resolved in the unfolding of his political destiny." So long as the American mood sits in the dumpster, John McCain will have his hands full. The instinct of the McCain camp will be to compete for the unhappy white vote Hillary leaves behind with lurches toward Obama-like populism. That compulsion was already evident in the demagogic anti-Wall Street passages of his speech on the economy last month. John McCain needs to find an Achilles heel in this opponent. It's there – not the Wright mess but Obama's dustup with Hillary Sunday on Iran, when he tagged her for "saber rattling" and "tough talk." Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, collector of centrifuges, makes Jeremiah Wright look like Little Bo Peep. Yet this Tuesday Barack Obama said he assumes the American people will see it is "not weakness, but wisdom to talk not just to our friends, but our enemies, like Roosevelt did, Kennedy did, and Truman did." In the here and now, a more apt name comes to mind: Jimmy Carter. A grand Enemies Tour awaits President Obama – Iran's Ahmadinejad, Syria's Assad, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, North Korea's Kim Jong Il, an al Qaeda "diplomat" from Osama bin Laden, Sudan's Hassan al-Bashir, Zimbabwe's Mugabe, Burma's junta. If John McCain can't talk the American people out of re-Carterizing themselves, what has he been preparing for all these years?
Drunk Driver Cuts Off Biker
A drunk driver merges over two lanes of traffic and cuts off a speeding biker causing him to slam into the back of his car…
Great Dane makes a deer a friend
As Bambi discovered, life as an orphaned fawn can be a bit scary - unless you have a friend called Rocky that is…
Helicopter Accident
This is a Turbine Enstrom Helicopter on the Heli Pad of a Greenpeace ship some where off the coast of Ireland. One of the deck straps has not been released correctly, with what was very nearly disastrous consequence…
Trampoline Front Flip Face Plant
This kid tries to do a front flip off his trampoline but over rotates whipping his head face first into the dirt…
Iraq Night Fight Combat Footage
This looks like the laser light shows my parents used to drag you to when you were a little kid…
The fish that plays football and limbo dances
Comet the goldfish may be the world's most intelligent fish after its owner, Dean Pomerleau, trained it to perform a range of aquatic activities…
Kid gets a bit too dizzy
Parents piss themselves laughing while their son walks straight into a pole after being spun about 50 times…
Crime Time Mothers Day
Let WWE describe the best gift for mom…
Extreme ski crash compilation
A bunch of insane ski accidents…
Crazy Japanese Girl Interviews Robin Williams
There's enough ADD in this room to solve the world energy crisis…
Drugs war outrage...
Tracy Ingle: Another Drug War Outrage…Here's a quick rundown: • On January 7, 2008 a paramilitary police unit in North Little Rock, Arkansas conducted a drug raid on Tracy Ingle's home. Ingle says he had fallen asleep for several hours, and was asleep when the raid happened. He awoke when the police took a battering ram to his door. Another team of officers approached form the outside of the house, and shattered the window to his bedroom. • When he awoke, Ingle says he thought his home was being invaded by armed robbers. He reached for a broken gun, a pretty clear indication that he had no intention of killing anyone, but rather was trying to scare away the intruders. When he grabbed the gun, an officer inside the house fired his weapon. The bullet hit Ingle just above the knee, shattered his thigh bone, and nearly severed his lower leg. When the outside officers heard the shot, they opened up on Ingle, hitting him four more times. According to Ingle's sister, one bullet still rests just above Ingle's heart, and can't be removed. Ingle was taken to the hospital, and spent a week-and-a-half in intensive care. He was then removed from intensive care—still in his hospital pajamas—and taken to the North Little Rock police department, where he was questioned for five hours. He was not told he was suspected of a crime, and his family wasn't allowed to speak with him. After the interrogation, he was arrested and transferred to the county jail. Ingle spent the next four days in jail. He says he was never given his pain medication or his antibiotics. Though hospital nurses told him to change his bandages and clean his wounds every 4-6 hours, Ingle told the Arkansas Times that jail officials changed them only twice in four days. Ingle's wounds became infected during the time he was in jail. Police found no illegal drugs in Ingle's home. They did find a scale, which Ingle's sister tells me was an extra she was given when she worked at a medical testing facility. She used it in her jewelry-making hobby. They also found a bunch of small plastic bags. Again, Ingle's sister says these were part of her business. "I was leaving the country for a while, and I stored a lot of my stuff at his house," she told me. "The scale and bags were mine, and are both common things to have for anyone who makes jewelry." Police also found the broken gun and a broken police scanner…Harry's response: This is sadly enough if (?) the guy is really innocent…the dark-side of a war against drugs…with not always the best and professional detectives, bad research and a lot of “witness” stories as a start for such SWAT actions…The war on drugs is right and must go on, but should be based on facts, the most important facts are traffic of dope, and money…not the jealous gossip and not the gossip manipulations coming from the dope dealing gansterbosses in the scene…
Ladder drumming
A pretty cool drum performance using ladders…
Parkour Wannabe Cries After a Painful Accident
At the very end, I'm pretty sure he's being raped and/or eaten alive…
Little Kid vs. Tuba Player
Some little kid is running around and generally being annoying while this band is performing for a crowd. The tuba player in the back right doesn't put up with that kind of crap…
Gorbachev: US could start new Cold War
Mikhail Gorbachev has accused the United States of mounting an imperialist conspiracy against Russia that could push the world into a new Cold War…
Arm Wrestling Match Goes Really Really Wrong
If he would've watched Over the Top, he would be fully aware all you need is a centimeter of extra grip and you automatically win…
Annoying Devil at Home
The annoying devil spends the day at home but manages to be just as annoying!
Family Guy The Matrix Trailer
A hilarious mash-up…
Aqua cat
This would be a really convenient thing to be able to throw in the path of an incoming shark…
Union rules the democratic party...
Union Rules The Democratic coalition rubs its hands at the prospect of taking over Washington. Things are different now. Democrats believe that as many as nine Republican-held Senate seats are vulnerable in 2008. The AFL-CIO, Change to Win, and allied unions plan to spend $360 million on the 2008 election. That’s around $200 million more than the unions spent in the Kerry-Bush race. As Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton slug it out for the nomination, the AFL-CIO is running a $53 million campaign attacking John McCain—portraying him as a right-wing ideologue who co-sponsored the Secret Ballot Protection Act, the GOP’s attempt at making kryptonite against card check. All that union money comes with a promise: What’s good for unions will be good for the Democrats. Greg Tarpinian, a Change to Win organizer who spoke at the Take Back America panel, pointed out that union membership was one of the strongest determinants for a voter choosing a Democratic ballot. “If union membership was 10 percent in Ohio in 2004,” he argued, “John Kerry would be president.” If card check passes, Tarpinian has only one worry: the ability of the National Labor Relations Board to “keep up with the demand” for brand new unions. Those new brothers and sisters of the labor movement will start paying dues; said dues will find their way to new Democratic campaigns like salmon finding their way upstream…
Cool Finger Trick
This is a pretty simple yet confusing trick that you can challenge anyone to and maybe win a beer or something…
Can crusher
There's plenty of ways to crush a can but this is just ridiculous…
Near miss pilot 'showing off to boy in cockpit'
A passenger jet had to make a sudden 10,000ft climb to avoid another jet after the pilot began “showing off” to a boy in the cockpit…
Dominoes World Record
These guys set up thousands of dominoes and set a world record by knocking over 10,000 per second. Cool!
Drunk Driver in Ukraine Horribly Kills 6 People
*Warning: Very Graphic* Of course the driver survived. The universe wouldn't have it any other way…
Monster Bus Ride
I wish we had one of those when I was little…
Slow-motion Lips
I really have no idea what this is, but it's people doing weird things with their mouths to opera music…
Man in the Street Gets Hit From Behind by a Car
It's not the driver's fault. Clearly the lane for "retards pushing random carts full of shit" is somewhere else…
Fugitive On A Golf Course
Some moron who got busted in a bait car tries to outrun the cops in a golf cart…
Chick Decks Another Girl in the Head with a Bottle
In the movies, the bottle always breaks so easily. In real life, it just terrible hurts…
Take It To the Next Level
New first person Nike commercial…
Some Man Falls to his Death From a Huge Building
It was such a long drop he could've recited the alphabet before landing. He probably didn't though…
Bionic Man In Action
Next up: find Sarah Conner…
Big boobs karate chop
This woman on a Turkish talk show uses her big boobs to do some karate chops. Melons vs. Watermelons…she’s a kind of heavyweight champion…
Mother and her Friends Give a 2 Year Old Pot to Smoke
Apparently a side effect of marijuana when you're 2 is a distorted head…
Labels: again our beautiful and very huge collection of Amazing, Bizarre or Cruel and some Serious Issues for you… ;), For May 09 2008, Funny, some Insane, weird
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