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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

On Wednesday a really big load of Amazing, Funny, Weird, and some Insane or Cruel links, all here for you ;)

Wednesday links

Blah blah blah
Animals can make jokes about us people; here you see the proof; you probably don't have to be an human to know how it felt when you have to listen to a long speech. This joking animal in the garden was merely expressing what everyone in the room was feeling; blah blah blah, a hilarious effect and worth to view ;)

Cat in a bottle
Another cat in a bottle: This cat somehow manages to squeeze into this small bottle, turn around and get back out on its own, very skilled ‘full body in a bottle’ squeezer that funny athletic cat ;)

What were they thinking?
Funny bloopers featuring kids. It's a wonder they become adults, trial and error that’s what peole learn from the most I guess ;)

Blind Belgian flies plane around France
Blind Belgian flies plane around France. Luc Costermans, a 41-year-old former businessman blinded two years ago in an accident, told AFP he hoped to make it into the Guinness Book of Records for his tour of the country, completed Friday. "I decided to complete this tour of France as a personal challenge and to send a message of hope to other physically disabled people," said Costermans, who only began flying last November….for sure he had an instructor and a navigator aboard, but this is a very good achievement ;)

Freaky little dog
Maybe you think how adorable he looks at first sight, lying there with his female boss. But watch out - don't let his innocent looks fool you, when he is suspisious or scared he can changes himself in a little but angry and very nasty dog ;)

Australian bloopers
You got to see and I guess to love too that great kick in the beginning of this funny clip with some hilarious scenes ;)

Toilet calculator
Well, have you ever wondered how many hours you spend looking at your legs in the toilet? The minutes sure can add up quickly. Just complete the form on this site and they’ll give you a rough estimate of the number of hours you have spent in the toilet during your life time, and your character and rank of the house… ;) (With thanks to Badgirl)

Brain-dead woman gives birth then dies
Brain-dead woman gives birth, and then dies. A brain-dead woman kept alive artificially for more than two months gave birth to a premature baby girl, doctors at Milan's Niguard hospital said. A few hours after the Saturday birth, the machinery artificially keeping the 38-year-old woman alive was shut off. The baby girl, born two months early, was breathing on her own Sunday, doctors said… its sad to start a life with circumstances like this little girl, I hope she will survive and get all the love, care and health she will need in her life, pray for her ;)

Bridge jump
Two kids try to jump off a bridge and into a river. Just as the one kid jumps his foot gets stuck on the railing causing him to flip head over heels ending in a perfect belly flop, a bad experience but nothing serious wrong ;)

Can't shove Criss over...
Want to shove over Chriss Angel? Better get a whole football team; somehow he manages to stand his ground against a whole army of pushers and he can gain weight or make the people believe they are too weak, anytime he has a new ‘magic’ surprise ;)

Wicked craziest moments
Extreme Video Compilation!

Entertainment news
The daily gossip goes on: 'Mr. Britney' Goes Hollywood, plus: Ann Coulter accused of plagiarism and other less or more interesting news you do (or don’t) want to know maybe, visit this site and you get the last inside information about the celebrities ;)

Blue poison frog
Beautiful photographs of Dendrobatus Azureus (the blue poison frog) from the American museum of natural history, with his bright beautiful colour he warns anyone: don’t touch or eat me I am poison, and it is no bluff, his colours are telling us the truth ;)

This guy is hilarious. He does a spoof of American Idol and nails each character perfectly. You got to check this one out ;)

In a cage, jump from a plane...
Stuntman with a death wish tosses himself off plane in giant cage. Even he says he'll never try this crazy thing again. He had assistance with him but still it was a very scary stunt, worth to view here ;)

Stolen Maya treasure returned
Stolen Maya Treasure Returned Anonymously. A 1,500-year-old Maya stone box that had been looted from a Guatemalan cave has been returned by an unnamed collector. The artefact was delivered anonymously to officials at Guatemala's Ministry of Culture last week, well done by that anonymous art collector… ;)

The porch
This guy is running from a bee while on top of a deck. He finally jumps off the deck to avoid the bee. The cameraman missed the jump but you got to see his foot after hitting the ground. Maybe he could have waited for a bee sting on the deck ;)

Scary music prank
Scary music prank, it’s a nasty prank, making too much noise can hurt one, people can become deaf by too much sound….there are already too much young people deaf by hard ‘music’ ;)

Siege at Falluja
A video out of Iraq, showing some war action; bazookas, machine guns and artillery are fired steady on. The real face of war is not a nice one; but I didn’t see much military professionalism on this tape, maybe a little tired of war ....

Maniac steals a bulldozer
He uses it to destroy everything in his insane rage of personal terror

Idiots steal an ATM machine
Stealing someone's PIN number would be the easier way to do this, but I suppose tying a truck to the ATM and pulling it through the wall works just as well. Too bad no one told them back in the '80s stores started installing an amazing invention called the SECURITY CAMERA…you can be sure; the cops will get them ;)

The new Oprah
From Letterman, the new Arab Oprah. I think this could be totally cool. I hope we get it in the States, at least on satellite ha-ha-ha ;)

Father of three murdered for no reason
I hope at this very moment these three sick killers are getting the king of all anal raping in prison. The clerk complies with all of their requests and still gets two slugs in his chest and head. Pure, unadulterated evil

Skydiver splatters in to a bridge
If a skydiver is travelling at 160mph south toward a stationary bridge, at exactly what point is the skydiver shredded to pieces? This brave (and now dead) man involuntarily helps us learn the answer… this is not made for the weak of heart, the story is ‘graphic’ and maybe it better when you don’t view this one there are no details but we can imagine how the accident was, that’s enough for now, I feel sorry for his family and friends…


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