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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Thursday links: Amazing, Funny, Weird, Insane and some Bizarre or Cruel links here for you ;)

The stupid trick of Oscar, the dog
Paul Papanek (that's him in the video) explains: "[Oscar the dog] came up with this little trick all on his own, though we have worked together to kind of hone it to the fine skill it is. Letterman flew us out to NY to be on Stupid Pet Tricks just about a year ago. After having successfully gone through rehearsal, we were sitting in the green room waiting to go on - along with a couple of other dogs and a pig - and someone came in and told us that Dave had decided that he wasn't in the mood for Pet Tricks that night after all (he really wanted to spend more time talking to Sting...)" See this trick of Oscar here ;)

Synchronized robots
Synchronized Dancing Robots from the Advance Technology show; another kind of ‘dancing with the stars’ ;)

Lewis Black Democrats vs. Republicans
A clip from Comedy Central presents: Lewis Black reviewing political views, some like this kind of humour ;)

Gay marriage ruins state
How gay marriage has ruined Massachusetts, find out how they did it ;)

AT 6 Harvards on Water
In a remarkable display of piloting, these World War II trainers are flown "feet wet" -- literally -- in formation. Very skilled pilots these ‘old guy’s’ you must see this ;)

Mind of Mencia
Mind of Mencia: Drive-By Shooting School, the critics provoked? ;)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel Moons the British; a lot of fuzz about a case of nothing; let her have her privacy and moon sometimes ;) (With Picture not Safe for Anywhere)

Human Touch
Humanity as a sales argument for cars, it’s only a commercial ;)

Underwater fantasy
An underwater fantasy world for Chinese baby girls; an animation movie ;)

Lunchroom slip remix
Some kids walking through the cafeteria when he slips. Looked like a painful landing to me! Now anyone knows who he is and what he did, the guy must be famous now ;)

An inconvenient truth
An Inconvenient Truth: The trailer of Al Gore's new Movie on Global Warming. Here's the Buzz: The positive hype surrounding 'Truth' has caused something other than the climate to heat up, namely Gore's political career. Although Gore officially retired from politics in 2000, pundits are already speculating that the ex-Veep could ride the film's coattails into the 2008 Presidential race. Nothing 'Inconvenient' about that ;)

Little known facts 3
These days, it’s important to know your trivia. Here's even more ‘Little Known Facts’ ;)

Colorblind test
Do this simple test and you know it immediately ;)

When stars collide
When Stars Collide! Stars are so far away its hard to imagine what happens when stars collide, here you view how it is ;)

The incredible machine
The incredible machine [Clip] with very much patience someone can build this kind of ‘machine’s’ it's a nice timewaster ;)

Funny John West Commercial
They claiming to catch seriously fresh fish in this commercial; the fisherman must be all very brave guys ;)

Industrial mayhem
The Galleries - abandonment’s; decay Industrial mayhem, if you like the vintage industrial architecture, you must see this one ;)

Great Moments In Stupidity
What were they thinking? 3 great clips good for a loud laugh and all worth to view ;)

Imagine This
Imagine This (Graphic Here’s a pretty great edit job which has the Fearless Leader singing John Lennon’s Imagine:

Marc Ecko tagging Airforce One
Mark Ecko Taggs Airforce one; it seems not a very clever act to me; he could be shot by the guards, one could easily assume that he’s a terrorist or something like that. Here is his own statement why he does such insane things: Why he does it I guess, and that’s only my fast opinion without studying the specific case; this guy is a crazy chronic-provoking person ;(

Porch Swings Collapsing Compilation
Porch Swings Collapsing Compilation - 30 porch swings in 29 seconds funny to view ;) (Banner issue NSFW)

Photographs and visual Art
Photos & Visual Art by Christopher Gilbert, beautiful photographs and photoshop works, worth to view, with some revenge on the British for Angela Merkel, see it yourself ;) (With Pictures sure not Safe for work or maybe Anywhere)

Dock jump
This guy’s friends have all bet him $40 that he can’t jump from one dock to the other. Judging from the picture the docks don’t look too far apart; maybe there was a heavy tail wind ;)

Rally Car Slams Into Spectators
Watching a rally race live without a good protection for the spectators is like walking unprotected into a burning building, any minute it can go terrible wrong ;(

Almost home (or dead)
This man is poisoning his liver and other vital organs with much too much alcohol. That’s what you are watching here; this man was completely off his face and none of his limbs were working properly anymore; when one is drinking that much he could die immediately. This is no fun, not for him and not for others in his family or as a neighbour. This guy has to be cured soon in a clinic for alcohol abstinence therapy ;(

Skilled parking
The cops behind with a ticket at least, but this guy can hide-park soon, maybe opting-in for a criminal career? ;) (Banners)

Tom & Kate’s delivery footage
Katie Holmes just spawned Tom Cruise’s baby and amazingly we have exclusive footage from the delivery room! Hilarious spoof ;)


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