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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

On Wednesday as always our Amazing, Funny, Weird, Insane and some Bizarre or Cruel links here for you ;)

Go run escape
Another incredible escape sequence from the French movie, "Suburb 13." Amazing movie ;)

Robot Chicken - The Flintstones
Barney goes insane and starts killing everyone, ridiculous script, Barney the always responsible husband and father, how could he do that, someone’s fantasy was running from the right track (and Barney too) ;)

Reach a lecture musical
Reach! A Lecture Musical: This is an amazingly well done and creative video of a guy who bursts into a Broadway style song and dance in the middle of a college lecture. You''d think this was a setup but judging by the students and professors reactions, this is completely impromptu. This took some serious nerve of this guy ;)

Water vs. people
Funny clips of People battling waves and out of control water, some hilarious mishaps and water-accidents ;)

Huge sand waves
This guy sure could make once, maybe some HUGE sand waves! But only if he ever started on that board ;)

Kevin Crombie wheelchair skateboarder: Kevin is not about to let his wheelchair prevent him from tearing it up at the skate park. This kid has a lot more nerve than I do, I would be scared to death at the top of that steep ramp. I hope he sends in more of these amazing videos, amazing skills ;)

God & banana
Thought you knew everything about bananas? GOD'S Existence proven to Kirk Cameron via a banana! Bet you didn’t realize this though ;)

Giant Shark Versus Tiny Seal
This is an amazing sight. A huge shark leaps completely out of the water and snatches a seal for his morning breakfast; it’s the cruelty of nature, an awesome video! ;)

Last Best Places
There are three best places left on Earth. And here they are ~ the Great Barrier Reef ~ Tongass National Forest ~ the Grand Canyon, now you know that you have to make dicission, will you go to see this personally or is a virtual visit enough for now? See and read it here ;)

Rabbit cross the road
Why did the Rabbit Cross the Road? We can’t ask him anymore ;)

Devastating Hockey Check
You can wear as much padding as you like but that has got to hurt, some people never get the good impression and right ideas about what sport is meant to be ;(

Patently Silly
Patents that never quite made it; necessity is the mother of invention. The father is unknown. The following are all real patents issued by the US Patent and Trademark Office, is there someone who saw his own idea again here? Let me know it ;)

View like a cow
Think your day is a drag try seeing it through the eyes of a cow, totally different perspective is maybe the best solution then ;)

Mario Communist
Mario Reloaded: Super Mario Communist an Animation made and based on the crazy rumours saying Mario was communist propaganda; (Wait a moment and he has some connections to terrorism) or Mario on the sneaky left or super rich capitalist right wing in the parliament? ;)

Not So Fast
Simple yet effective physics experiment: In a tug of war between your leg and a tree who wins? Even though we can all guess the outcome I was pretty surprised at how much this guy snaps back after running from the tree; didn’t they know that before? Bunch of dumb suckers these dudes ;(

Visual composer
Visual Music composer, do you have some talent? ;)

Food contest
Food delicious-or-not contest, the average taste is not the most delicate and delicious I guess, chicken and steak maybe? Try it your selves ;)

Black coal green energy
Turning dirty coal into clean energy; today's expensive gasoline is making people look for alternatives. That has opened doors of opportunity for entrepreneurs such as Andrew Perlman, who is betting that the "clean" fuel of future will be made from one of humanity's oldest -- and dirtiest: coal. Perlman wants to turn coal into clean natural gas. It’s worth to try it again ;)

Spitting cobra vs. doll
This cobra is among the few snakes which can spit venom. This behaviour is purely defensive and is not used to kill prey. Spitting cobras kill their prey by injecting venom with a bite just as other venomous snakes do. Spitting is a better defence than biting because they can injure the predator without coming too close to it. But for humans its differnet; if you spit a neighbour in his face, you got a big chance to receive a punch in your face as an answer ;)

A-sexual unite!
Asexuals Unite! (Just not like THAT)A small but growing movement believes that asexuality is an orientation as valid as straight or gay. It’s a strange vision on human life but for a good developed opinion on this rare issue, read this article first ;)

Grab a lion by its tail
Will they make it? Totally insane action of this jackass-gang of brainless moronic adventurers

Wild Boys Feeding The Lions
Again the brainless dudes with a hidden suicide attempt, how crazy can you get, honestly the guys need a cure immediately

Leave a message
Fridge Magnets; leave a message, I don’t know who will read them but you can show it to the virtual world ;)

Watching paint dry
You can watch Paint Dry at this site... And also turn on/off some electronic things via the internet. This website has been pretty popular recently - people doing some Spring Painting?


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